Page 41 of Heretic

Chapter Twenty-Five


Luca’s answer pleasantly surprised me and further proved the feeling I knew was in my heart. There is something real between the two of us. Even if I’m not sure what it is yet, I know what it’s leaning toward. We’re two flawed people, but there’s something about us that pulls at the other like magnets.

I hopped on his private jet with him after he called the other Clan heads and we were the first ones to arrive at Desmond Mackenzie’s estate, which looks much more like a castle. He’s the head of the Irish mob, and a good friend to the Clans it seems.

Since most clansmen had to fly in from different areas of the world it made the most sense to meet here. Plus, it was one of the safest options. I feel a tad bit odd being here with Luca since we’ve just rekindled our marriage, if that’s even the proper terminology for it. I’m pretty sure the rest of the Clan families know my marriage to Luca is very different than their own.

Luca and I toured the estate and the grounds until the rest of the Clan heads started to show up. We had the home to ourselves for a couple of hours and ended up christening the desk in the study downstairs. What else is better to do with spare time?

The meeting wasn’t officially made until six in the evening, Irish time, so everyone would have adequate time to arrive. Every single Clan member showed, from Mariana and Ion, to Mikel Lungu who rarely shows his face according to my husband, who had to make a comment that he came from his dark cave. I didn’t ask for details, but I’m sure Luca will fill me in later.

“Let’s get this meeting started,” Mariana suggests, ushering everyone into the large dining room that will seat us all.

I take notice that Ion hasn’t been seen in quite a while, and the rest of the clansmen take their seats. Luca and I sit in the middle of the table, while Carla and Philippe Sala sit across from us. Mariana is already seated at the far right head of the table, and every other seat is taken except the ones next to Mikel Lungu and David Lupei, signaling their the last of the Clan heads that have yet to be married. They were probably the two other options my father had chosen for me, but none of them were as devout as the Ungurs when it came to being the lamb of God.

The door we came in through opens yet again, and Ion walks through with a small girl. She appears to be about eleven or twelve. And then it hits me, this isn’t just any girl. This is Bianca Petran, Mariana’s daughter. She’s not Ion’s because she was conceived and born when Mariana was held hostage by Jonas Masterson. Her hair is wavy just like her mother’s, and honestly, she looks like a carbon copy of Mariana with darker eyes.

Every Clan member stares at Bianca in awe, wondering why a child would be present at a meeting like this. Mariana stands, motioning with her hand for her daughter to come up to where she is. Even though everyone is wondering the same thing, no one will dare speak up.

“Why is the kid here?” Stefan barks, raising his eyebrows at Mariana.

Okay, I guess that thought came across too soon. Stefan is the type who will speak up about anything he damn well feels like.

“My daughter needs to understand why we’re called away to meetings such as this, especially if she’s going to take over one day.” And there we have it. Ysenia will not be taking over the throne, even though she has the blood of Mariana and Ion coursing through her veins. Instead, it will go to Mariana’s first born, Bianca. Hell, I can’t blame her. The power is through the Vasile bloodline after all. “Now, Luca, please convey what you told me earlier today.”

Luca starts to stand, but stops midway. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d prefer my wife to explain this to the Clans.”

Mariana gives her nod of approval, and so I stand prepared to tell them all what we believe is happening. “My husband and I believe Galina and Ivana were in no way acting alone. They were exiled from the Clans along with their family after their father acted in the most treasonous of ways, suggesting they elect him as king, and halt all searches for our beloved queen, Mariana. That being said, they had everything ripped from them. Their homes, their vehicles, and every single asset the Clans had provided. Now, how on the Earth would two women who went from riches to rags be able to make such power plays you might ask. The answer is simple—they didn’t do it alone. They had help, from one of the most powerful players in the mafia realm.”

Anton Balan clears his throat, “All due respect, but who would be helping these batshit crazy sisters?”

“Giovanni DiGiovanni,” I clearly state, making sure to meet my eyes with everyone in the room. “Am I wrong when I say that things have been quiet when it comes to the Italians since his daughter Caprice married Liam Mackenzie? And I should add, remember she was promised by her father to Sergei Kolosov, the Russian Arms Dealer.” Thank goodness Luca made sure to fill me in on the details I didn’t know prior to this meeting. I notice a red headed woman cringe, and remember she’s the daughter of Sergei. I hope what I said wasn’t too crass, although he wasn’t ever known for being a kind man.

“It’s not like him to be quiet. He must be up to some trouble.” Leon pipes up, getting a lot of nodding heads in agreement.

“Where is your proof?” Ion asks, crossing his arms from behind his arm.

“Ah, we don’t have anything definitive—besides the fact the Steele brothers were able to get a confession from a man, stating Giovanni was behind the hits on Mariana.”

Ion nods while Mariana looks up to her husband, “Is this enough proof for you?”

“Yes, dear. It is . . . although,” Ion shifts his attention over to Marcellus Funar. “I think you know what this means. We will be going after your uncle, and we won’t stop until he’s dead. An attack against one of us is an attack against us all.”

“I both understand, and after it’s said and done, I’ll make sure my immediate family understands it as well,” Marcellus confirms.

“Good.” Ion mutters.

Meanwhile, tears running down Natasha’s face cause me to grow concerned, so I take my seat and allow someone else to speak. I wonder if she’s crying because of her father, but she glances at her husband with rage filled eyes, and then looks to Ion and Mariana. “I told you my uncle was innocent. I fucking told all of you and still you ordered his death. But none of you believed me! And now look at what we’ve all discovered. It was the Italians all along and . . ,” Natasha rises up from her chair and it screeches against the floor, before she darts out of the room.

Anton rises, looking to Mariana and Ion. “I’m terribly sorry,”

Mariana raises her hand up, “No reason to apologize. We made mistakes in the heat of war, terrible mistakes that will never be able to be fixed. Please express to Natasha we will try, though, and that her uncle and any other innocent will get justice.”