Page 40 of Heretic

Chapter Twenty-Four


After our fuck session, where we went multiple rounds, I took my wife back to the bed which I only shared with her that one night. I’d expected Elena would’ve been tired, however I was poorly mistaken. Instead of falling asleep like I’d thought, she and I spoke for hours about Galina and how she must’ve had help in order to escape like that.

I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her, still left wondering how Galina got out. How she could’ve had some help, and who it could’ve been.

I woke with the answer, remembering something that was brought to us by one of the Steele brothers. They’re these American gunrunner billionaires. Essentially, you can’t transport guns in North America without their help because they’re the best of the best. They had issues with an Italian guy a few years ago, ended up torturing him, and that’s how they obtained the information.

One of the DiGiovanni men declared that the person behind the assassination attempts on Mariana was Giovanni DiGiovanni, the leader of the Italian Mafia, head of the DiGiovannifamiglia.

Elena rolls over in the bed with her hair in a messy tussle, my Egyptian cotton sheets covering her body, and the most authentic smile I’ve ever seen from her sprawled across her face. “You look like you’re plotting,”

“Not plotting, simply thinking.”

“About?” She questions.

“What we were talking about last night. The Italians were rumored to place a hit on Mariana a few years ago. I’m simply wondering if that’s the power behind Galina and Ivana’s failed attempt, and if that’s how Galina was able to escape.”

Elena’s eyebrows shoot up, “They never said anything to me about an Italian man, but it would make sense in some regard. I mean, their father was outcast from the Clans . . . so how did they get this much money? And how did they fly around Europe like none of it mattered? Cost wise I mean.”

I nod. Fuck, Elena is an intelligent woman. One that I almost threw away. I won’t make the same mistake ever again. Hell, Elena told me Migual called her with some bullshit excuse saying he needed help . . . and whenever he and I are alone I’ll properly thank him for bringing her back. Because without him, it would’ve never happened. I would’ve lost her forever.

“He would’ve had everything taken from him when they were exiled. Did they ever make you believe that their childhood was full of luxury?”

She shakes her head from side to side, “No, quite the contrary.”

I know what we have to do, although we don’t have the proof to back us. “We need to call an emergency Clan meeting . . . becauseifthis is true, and what we believe is right, a war bigger than ever before will be on the horizon.”

“They couldn’t have been working alone. It would’ve been next to impossible for them to make as much progress as they did . . . and I think you are right, because, here’s the thing. If Giovanni wanted to make another play at the Clans, he’d do the same thing as last time and use someone else to actually do it. Assuming he had someone else doing the dirty work last time.” She goes on, and it starts making more sense.

I don’t waste any more time. I grab my phone from my bedside table and call the queen herself, Mariana Petran. It rings a few times and I believe it’s going to voicemail when she answers. “Luca. Why in the world are you calling in the middle of the night. I just got Ysenia back to sleep and being five months pregnant means I’m getting to the stage where I can’t sleep for shit. This better be good.” Mariana and Ion just had their first biological child together, which makes Mariana’s second, Ysenia a few months ago. I think she’s around six months old now, but it seems Ion couldn’t wait to get her pregnant again since she’s five months along with her third child. Although, I’m sure Ion is thrilled since they recently made an announcement they’re accepting a boy.

“Please accept my sincerest apologies, Mariana, however this couldn’t wait.” I forgot she’s in New York so we have a few hours time difference.

“Go on,” She urges,

“We have reason to believe Ivana and Galina weren’t working alone. I believe we need to call an emergency Clan meeting, as soon as possible, where all the head Clan families are in attendance.”

“For fuck’s sake. We don’t seem to ever catch a break. Do we?”

“No, we don’t.” I reply, waiting for Mariana to take the lead.

“Alright, meet us in Northern Ireland. I’ll give you the address to a private air strip and a location later. I’m going to call in a favor with Desmond Mackenzie and ask that he allow us to use one of his tucked away estates outside of Belfast, in the countryside. Do me a favor and reach out to the others.”


“Luca, I pray that you’re wrong . . . but if you’re not, thank you for bringing this to my attention.” Mariana ends the call and Elena gives me a curious look.

“What was said?” She inquires.

“We’re headed to Northern Ireland. C’mon, let’s get dressed. We should be the first ones there and I have to call the other Clan heads.” I toss the sheets off me, throw my legs over the side of the bed and start walking toward the bathroom, but when I’m standing in the doorway, Elena asks me a question I should’ve been expecting.

“What’re we doing, Luca? I mean, what will become of us?” Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and think carefully about the response I’m going to give her.

I turn my head and look back to this beauty of a woman, wondering why the fuck she came back to a beast like me, “Whatever you want, brat. I’ll do anything for you.”