Page 42 of Heretic

Chapter Twenty-Six


Anton rushes out of the room to go after his wife. I can only imagine everything she’s just had to hear over the last fifteen minutes has been a shell shocker, not to mention, stirred up old feelings from years ago. Ion and Mariana wrap up the meeting saying how we all need to be vigilant, aware of our surroundings, so on and so forth, and that they’ll put their heads together over the next few weeks and let us know what our next move is. The key is that we know who’s behind everything. Okay, so it’s a well educated guess —but we have the power now, because Giovanni doesn’t have a clue we’re onto him.

“Elena, before you go I think it would be a smart decision for us to be honest with you about something. From what I’ve heard, you believe your father was the one who contracted the marriage with Isaac.” Ion speaks up, causing my wife to look over at him.

She narrows her eyes, “What do you mean?”

“Mariana and I were the ones who orchestrated your union. Your father was simply helping us with the matter. We were trying to use your wedding as a way to lure the sisters into a trap, however, your nuptials happened very quickly.” Ion responds.

“And to someone else,” I add with a chuckle.

“Yes, that is very true.” Ion states, before his wife dismisses everyone, stating we can leave.

We all leave the room and I make sure to stick close to Elena as we walk into the massive foyer of the home. I’m sure we’re on the right track, but so many things are left unsaid. I’ll slowly repay her for everything I’ve done. That’s for damn sure.

Elena places her hand on mine, and grows still all of a sudden, almost like she was fearful to reach out to me in such a way. “I need to ask you a question,” She states lowly, pulling us to a corner, away from the crowd.

“Alright, ask away.”

“What made you kill her?” She asks, keeping her eyes on mine. I bet she’s trying to see if I’m going to lie, or be truthful.

“It’s simple. As much as I wanted her to be you, she was never going to. When it comes to a woman with a smart mouth, stern spine and overall brat —there’s only one woman I can stand. And that woman is you.”

Elena beams, smiling in a way I haven’t yet seen. I’m not going to lie, I hope she keeps smiling like this. She’s beautiful in general, but this grin makes her breathtaking. “You’re not alone in the way you feel. There’s something cosmic between us, something that I don’t think should’ve ever grown, but did.”

“We’re like the Black Dahlia, the only flower that can survive in the darkness,” I take my hand and place it under her chin, running my thumb over her bottom lip. “You’re the only woman I want in myoubliette. The only woman I want on her knees sucking my cock. The only woman I want defying me at every opportunity. Most importantly, I only want you, brat. I just wantyou.”

I think what I’ve said to her is romantic, and what the average woman wants to hear, in a sense . . . but as her flesh strikes me against the face I know I’ve fucked up somewhere. “Is that a joke? You’d honestly say such things when you threw me out of the house?! You only wanted me and yet you brought Ivana back as your little slut, trying to make her into this fucking copy of me? What in the world!” She bellows, screaming at me even though we’re not even a foot away from the other.

“Uh-oh, trouble in paradise.” Stefan chuckles from twenty or so feet away.

I whip my face in his direction, “Shut the fuck up, Dalca.”

I don’t know what Elena wants from me. I thought what I said was okay, but it obviously isn’t. She turns and begins walking to the front doors of the house. Her heels clicking against the wooden floors, until she stops, and looks right at me. “Even after all this time, you still don’t understand the magnitude of everything you did to me. I need you tounderstandit, Luca. More importantly, I know I’m not a good person but at least I own it. I own every bit of who I am, the things I’ve done. Maybe if you’re going to Hell, you need to own it. Quite frankly, I’m not your little kink slut. I’m your wife, and it’s about damn time you start treating me like it. Until then, I have nothing left to say to you.”

Elena goes through the double doors and they shut behind her, leaving me in awe. I never expected her to confront me in such a manner and it only makes my desire for her grow even more.

“Fuck, I don’t think there’s any fixing that.” Stefan adds, but I don’t give a fuck about what he has to say.

I rush after Elena, charging through the double doors and see her about to get into one of the cars waiting outside. “Wait!” I yell, causing her to stop in her tracks and look back to me.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, and if I’ve made you feel like I don’t understand everything I put you through. I’m an bastard who has his head stuck up his ass. Honestly, I don’t deserve you. Fuck, I don’t deserve anyone like you,” As I continue speaking the cloud turns a stone gray color and rain starts pouring down, but I won’t stop now. I need to get this off my chest, and most of all, I need to make sure I don’t lose her again. “I told her I loved you. That’s why she ended up where she is, because I love you. So please, for the love of God, come home with me Elena. It’s where you belong. Not in theoubliette, but in bed with me, by my side, being my partner. I’ve never loved a woman before, besides . . . well, you know, so I don’t know if what I feel is love or not. I don’t fucking know.”

Elena’s hair is drenched and I’m soaked from head to toe, but I couldn’t care less. I spoke my truth and hopefully she won’t walk away. “Get in the fucking car, Luca.” Elena grumbles, sliding inside to shield her from the rain.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I have a good feeling.