I’ve already lost one person I love to the royal family and I’ll be damned before I let it happen again.

“What did you see?” Lucien asks me.

He picks up his tea cup and sips at the contents. However, the princess moves her cup as far from her as possible. Interesting…

“I saw a great number of things,” I say.

Adelaide pales, and her bottom lip trembles. When she pulls it between her teeth to stop the nervous movement, I imagine what it’d be like to do that to her. If I can get through this meal without stroking my cock because of her, it’ll be a wonder.

“Stop dicking about, Baxter, and tell us what you saw.” He motions to Adelaide with his teacup. “She’s already beginning to recall some things, so your magic worked.”

I scoff. “Of course it did. Tell me, princess, what do you know of blood-bending?”




My voice is high-pitched, giving away my anxiety at the question. I expected Baxter to tell me about my sexual escapades, the queen, or maybe the reason he hates me so much. What I wasn’t ready for is the subject of blood.

He butters a scone with lazy strokes. “You heard me, princess. Now answer the question.”

“I don’t know anything about blood-bending,” I say. I slide my gaze to Lucien, who sips from his cup, his focus on Baxter. “What is that?”

“Not what I expected.” Baxter sets down his half-eaten pastry and steeples his fingers. “I believe you have the ability to control another’s life force, through manipulating their blood.”

Mine drains from my face, and not because I will it to. I have always known my obsession with the crimson liquid was strange, but I’ve never told anyone. I’d hoped the fascination would fade with time.

However, from when I first awoke without my memories up until now, it’s only grown.

Whether or not I like what Baxter has to say, he holds the answers to the questions that have plagued my mind for years. Hopefully, they’ll bring me peace.

If not, then Lucien and I can be insane together.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. “How is that possible?”

“All of Wonderland’s residents carry magic,” Baxter says. “Some are stronger than others. Everyone’s abilities are different, but usually family members share similar traits.”

I frown. “The queen is also a blood-bender?”

Baxter shakes his head. “No, but her power does originate from the same place as yours: the heart. Her magic centers around the manipulation of it in an emotional way, while yours is physical. Two sides of the same coin, as it were.”

“What does she do?” I ask. My curiosity unfurls with every answer Baxter gives. I lean on the table, daring to get closer to him as my fascination with the subject increases. “How does she do it?”

His emerald eyes briefly shoot to Lucien before returning to me. Within the green hues, the flecks of gold sparkle with emotion, a depth that I’m not used to seeing. He shutters his gaze and sets his jaw.

“The queen knows the deepest desires of your heart, which is how she obtained the title of The Queen of Hearts. As tohowshe does it, that’s a simple matter. One touch. That’s all it takes to reveal your secrets to her.”

“That’s not as disastrous as you led me to believe,” I say. “I’d rather have that, than the ability to kill someone.”

I shudder and reach for the crystal carafe filled with wine. After pouring it into the teacup next to me, I sip on the contents. My mouth bursts with flavors, all of them pleasant, and warmth floods my belly.

“Her ability is detrimental,” Baxter says, his voice like a whip. I start at the violence coating his tone and lean back into my chair. He follows me with his murderous glare but doesn’t come any closer. “The Red Queen can see through lies, expose a person’s greatest fears as well as their desires, all because she can gain access to what lives in your heart. She doesn’t have to kill you. When she exposes your secrets, you’ll do it to yourself.”

Lucien nods. “She’s done that to many of her subjects. If they didn’t kill themselves, she ordered someone from the Royal Guard to carry out her orders. Her magic is the reason no one’s ever rebelled or tried to remove her from the throne. She’s able to detect your intentions and then murder you for it.” He gives me a sad smile. “I consider myself an exceptional liar when the situation calls for it, and I wasn’t able to conceal myself from her.”

My curiosity turns morbid.