I leave the peaceful solitude of my bedroom and make my way down the hall toward the stairs. The faint whispers of conversation reach me when I descend. As expected, the princess and Lucien are in deep conversation.

It’s preferable to them fucking.

Or is it…?

My mind conjures a vision of Lucien pinning Adelaide to the door, but he’s facing me, his gaze burning with lust. His invitation to join their sexual interlude still echoes in my skull. The sound of his voice beckoning me makes my cock hard, and I halt just outside the dining room, suspended between reality and fantasy. I lean against the wall and grip my erection as the daydream continues.

Adelaide peers around Lucien and expresses how much she desires me. Her pretty mouth speaks of the sensual promises she wishes to perform, ranging from sucking my cock to wanting me to watch her with Lucien.

I nearly groan, announcing my presence to the pair of them in the other room. If I could fuck myself here and now with their voices caressing my psyche, I’d stroke myself. Fortunately, my anger towards the princess is enough to keep me from doing so.

She isn’t worthy of my desire. The woman represents everything I detest. Not to mention she shares blood with the Queen of Hearts.

And my loyalty belongs to another.

In all my fantasies, Alice was never present, never even a consideration. Now I find myself thinking of her memories with previous lovers where she was being fucked and her not enjoying it at all. I know I could change that for Adelaide.

The fact that I think this, want to prove it, infuriates me further.

And increases my guilt.

I release my cock and take a deep breath before walking into the room, stopping just inside. Adelaide sits on Lucien’s lap, gazing up at him with such compassion that it cools a large portion of my anger. He, in turn, looks at her as though she’s an enigma, one of his riddles that holds no answer and makes no sense.

The couple are bewitched with each other at this moment. My envy rises to the surface, ridding me of the final vestiges of lust. Only to be replaced with longing… and agony.

Shoving all of my thoughts aside, I’m about to interrupt when Lucien speaks. “You are right,” he says to her. “Maybe it’s best if you don’t regain your memories.”

Adelaide purses her lips. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

"I never interacted with you, despite my numerous appearances at Court,” he says, “but you’re nothing like the woman described to me. I rather like that, and I don’t want you to be anything different than who you are at this moment.”

She leans forward, closing the small gap between them to rest her forehead against his. “Thank you.”

“I’d like to dine, if that’s all right with the two of you,” I say, careful to school my features into some semblance of control. Hearing Lucien admit that he fancies Adelaide because she’s nothing like her former self is jarring.

I’m not the only one who sees the difference.

At my intrusion, both of them swing their gazes to me. The princess flushes with guilt, and Lucien meets my eyes with a twinkle shining in his. My closest friend is such a bastard.

“As I said before,” Lucien says, waving a hand, “you’re welcome to join us.”

I stop short, my muscles seizing up as I assert control over my features. “Perhaps another time,” I say.

Lucien whispers something to Adelaide, and my ire grows at the camaraderie between them. Not because I don’t want them together. It’s due to the fact that I’m not partaking in it.

I’ve never experienced confusion to this degree until the princess walked into my home.

I take my seat at the head of the table and lean back in the chair with my spine straight. “Now, why don’t we discuss these memories of yours, hmm?”

After a quick scan of the dishware, I clap my hands once. The servant appears. Dressed in his finery, he quickly and efficiently serves us the evening meal before leaving us to our privacy. All the while, Adelaide is like a shrinking violet, languishing in Lucien’s hold, her wide gaze full of embarrassment.

“We have things to address,” I say, taking hold of my fork. “We can talk whilst we eat to expedite the process. I find myself eager to be done with deliberating over the events from earlier.”

Adelaide hops down from Lucien’s lap and lowers herself into the chair next to me. She nods in agreement, yet turmoil swirls within the depths of her blue eyes like a whirlpool. I make no attempt to hide the fact that I’m watching her. With her nervous, she’s more likely to slip up and reveal something.

I need to know what the hell is going on with her.

If she’s putting my brother in danger, I won’t hesitate to kill her.