I want to know everything concerning this horrific monarch and her actions against these men, but I doubt Baxter will readily share. Lucien might. However, the pain in his eyes is enough to silence me. This subject is agonizing for the two of them. It’s hard not to assume there are others who share their plight.

The only way for me to find out is through my memories.

“What else did you see in my mind?” I ask Baxter.

He squints at me, suspicion coating his features. “Episodes with your lovers, as expected.”

“Anything else?”

“What else is there?”

His flippant tone grates on my nerves, and I down the contents of my cup, hoping the alcohol will calm me. Baxter always picks a fight with me, and I can’t engage, not when he has the information I need. Without knowing his backstory or how it’s related to me and the queen, I still don’t understand his hostility toward me.

Even so, I don’t condone it.

It’s unfair, and I know how far I’m willing to go to correct a wrong that’s been done to me.

“Did you see anything else?” I repeat, keeping my voice even. “Maybe something that involved an ax?”

Lucien grabs my upper arm and swings me around in my chair to face him. “Little bird, what have you been up to? I highly doubt it has anything to do with wood.” He sticks out his lip in a pout. “At least, not mine. My cock is still hard.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” I say, feeling Baxter’s stare bore into the back of my head.

I bite my lip as indecision wars within me. I’m not sure if I should tell them about the murder since I have no idea how they’ll react. If Lucien’s past behavior is any indication, he’ll love it. Baxter is the wild card, and I don’t know how he’ll play out.

After turning back to face Baxter, I lock my gaze on his face. “I need to know about any events concerning a battle ax.”

His brows gather. “Is there something you’re trying to tell me, princess?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I only have evidence but no actual memory of what occurred.” I shake my head, and the room tilts for a moment. That wine is dangerous after a single glass. Duly noted. “Never mind that,” I say. “Tell me more about the Queen of Hearts and what you want me to do for you.”

“It’s not for me.” Baxter leans back into his chair, regarding me with a stoic expression. “My brother thinks you’re the key to our freedom. He’s searched for you since you went missing all those years ago.”

“How long have I been gone?”

“Five years,” Lucien says.

I slump in my chair. “Oh. I don’t even know how old I am, so I don’t know why I asked.” I squeeze my eyes shut and massage the center of my forehead. Maybe I should drink some more in order to forget what little I do remember. “I don’t even know my birthday.”

Baxter lifts his cup in a mocking salute. “A very merry unbirthday to you, princess.” He watches me from behind the rim, swallowing a healthy dose of tea. “If you were to throw a party, I’m sure the number of male attendees would be astronomical.”

My heart pounds, each beat heralding my anger like thunder does a storm. I lift my chin and narrow my gaze. “I’ve had enough of your insults. I didn’t ask for you to unlock my memories. And even if I’m a whore like I’ve been told, what does it matter to you?”

“Unlike Darius,” he says, slowly lowering his cup, “I don’t consort with whores. Royalty or not.”

“Oh, Baxter.” Lucien clicks his tongue. “You are indeed foolish to provoke someone who could kill you.”

“She has yet to admit her powers,” Baxter says. He gives me a pointed look. “Or are you going to deny them like you do everything else?”

I fill my glass with more wine and down the entire thing. It’s going to take a lot of alcohol to deal with him. Baxter will never like me, and it’s not my job to make him.

But I refuse to put up with his shit.

Maybe my acceptance of this place and my magic could give me the courage I’m lacking. I’ve been here too long, experienced too many things to tell myself that I’m dreaming. If this is truly the world I’m from, then it’s time for me to embrace that, along with my abilities.

And my inner whore.

It might be my greatest asset.