It’s late by the time I pull up in front of Declan and Annabelle Sinclair’s house. They moved into this house a few weeks after the shooting that introduced me to Amelia. In some ways, she saved Annabelle’s life that day.
But I think, without knowing it, she might have also saved mine.
She certainly changed it for the better.
There’s a high price to pay when you’re the man wearing the crown. Humanity is a slippery slope. If someone isn’t there pulling you back and anchoring you, it’s easy to forget your humanity and become the monster some people think is needed to run an organization like The Family. Amelia’s my anchor. She has been for a long time. I’ll never be what most people would consider a good man. But because of her, I’ll try my damnedest not to be a monster.
I shake off that maudlin thought and shoot off a text to Declan, letting him know I’m here. After a quick conversation with Marco, I trudge through the foot of snow to Declan’s front door. Just as I make it to the front step, the door opens, and Cooper Sinclair stands there, staring me down. The kid has grown since the last time I saw him. There’s something in his eyes that tells me he’s seen and done things since then too. “Hey, Cooper. I’m sure it meant a lot to Bash to have you there today. You’re a good friend.” I offer him my hand, and he eyes it for a moment before shaking it and letting me in.
“Amelia, Nattie, and Belles are watching something in the family room. Amelia is falling asleep on the couch. They’re pretty drunk.” He laughs at what he just said, then adds, “Well, Nattie and Amelia are. Belle just kept eyeing the wine and telling Dec he’s never allowed to knock her up again.” Cooper leads me into the kitchen where Declan and Brady are sitting with a bottle of Macallan between them.
They both rise from the chairs. “Sorry for your loss, Sam.” Brady Ryan is no longer the scrawny little kid he was the first time Bash brought him home over ten years ago. Fucker’s gonna win the Heisman this year.
“Thanks, man.” I nod at Declan. “I really just need to get Amelia and get home. It’s been a long day.”
Annabelle walks in and smiles at me. The ballerina is constantly smiling. I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone as happy with their life as this woman.
I wonder if I can give that to Amelia?
She walks up to me and wraps her arms around me in a hug. “Sorry, Sam. I think you might end up holding Amelia’s hair tonight.”
I look over her head at her husband, who shrugs like his wife hugging another man is no big deal and pat her back awkwardly. “Thanks, ballerina.”
“Take care of our girl, Sammy. She’s one of the good ones,” Annabelle sniffs like she’s going to cry, and I look back over at Declan, my eyes begging him to save me.
Before he can step forward, Snow appears in the doorway of the kitchen. She’s in black leggings and a loose white sweatshirt that’s hanging off one shoulder. Definitely not hers. I like seeing the bare skin, but it’s not her style. “If you get to hug mine, I get to feel up yours, Belles.”
“Go ahead. But be careful. He has magical fertility powers and can knock women up with the blink of an eye.” Annabelle smiles and grabs my hand, pushing down on her big belly. “Feel that?” she asks.
“What is that?” Jesus. It’s like that scene in Alien when the monster is about to rip its way out of the chick.
“That’s a foot. This one’s going to be a little football player,” she beams.
Amelia joins us, placing her hand over mine. “That will never get old, Belles.”
“That’s because he’s not practicing his touchdown dance on your bladder all night. Trust me, it gets old.”
Amelia wraps her arm around my waist and rests her head against my chest. “You ready to go home?”
“I’m ready.” I kiss the crown of her head, then thank everyone. After what feels like ten more minutes of Snow hugging everyone goodbye, and Cooper Sinclair giving me the side-eye again, we finally get back in the truck I borrowed from one of the guards tonight.
“Hey, wait... Where’s Marco?” Amelia looks around frantically, like his car disappeared into the snow.
“I let him leave when I got here.”
“Oh,” she giggles, and I pull her against me, needing to feel her warmth. Needing to hold her and know she’s okay. Needing her to help me be okay. “I might be a little drunk, Sam.”
“That’s okay, Snow. Let’s go home.”
She buckles her seatbelt and lays her hand in mine. “I like the sound of that.”
“Home. You’re my home, Sam. I want to come home to you.” I glance over at her. Her head is leaning back against the seat. Eyes closed and a smile on her beautiful face.
“My home is where you are, Amelia. We can talk about what that looks like tomorrow.”
She answers me with a loud snore.