“What areyou doing down here, Snow?” Sam’s voice is hoarse when he walks into the kitchen a few hours after we finally went to bed. “It’s four a.m.”
His arms wrap around me from behind while I finish icing the last of the peanut butter fudge cupcakes he loves so much. Turning my head, I can’t help but smile at the sleepy expression on his face. “I couldn’t sleep. My internal alarm goes off every day by three, whether I want it to or not.”
Sam leans his chin on my shoulder and peeks over at the counter. “So you thought you’d start baking?”
“I figured I might as well bake since I was awake. Thought you might appreciate some cupcakes today.” He doesn’t need to know this happens to me all the time. That I rarely sleep through the night. That I don’t even mind getting up at three a.m.
“I’ll never turn down one of your cupcakes, but I’d rather you’d have woken me up if you couldn’t sleep. I’m sure I could’ve come up with a way to tire you out.”
Once the last cupcake is iced, I hold it up for him to taste, but Sam has other plans. Turning me in his arms, he sits me on the counter and moves between my legs. Black pajama pants hang from his lean hips and his bare chest is beautifully on display in the low light of the kitchen. Hot and heavy eyes stare back at me with an intensity I love.
“I’ve dreamt of this for years, Snow.” Strong hands trace up my bare thighs under the t-shirt I threw on before coming down here earlier.
As his hands slide my shirt over my head, I admit, “In my fantasy, we were in the shop.”
“Oh, yeah? Tell me more about your fantasy.” He swipes a finger through the frosting and trails it down my chest, circling one nipple and then the other before pushing me back to rest on my elbows.
Once he spots the piping bag I used to frost the cupcakes, I confess, “You licked icing from every inch of my body.”
He pipes a line of chocolate down my stomach, stopping at the waistband of my panties. “Let’s see if the fantasy lives up to the reality.”
My toes curl as his hot tongue licks its way up the lines of my body, while his fingers play with my pussy through my panties. Sam takes his time, his blue eyes holding me hostage while he destroys me.
I always wanted to be that finger he’d suck the frosting from.
I couldn’t imagine anything hotter.
I was wrong.
This is better.
By the time he’s licked, sucked, and nibbled my body clean, Sam doesn’t even remove my panties. Just moves them to the side and slides his pajamas down. Then he pulls me to the edge of the counter and cages me in with his palms pressed flat on either side of my body.
The leisurely pace of a few minutes ago is gone.
Burying his face in my neck, Sam fucks me hard.
A low moan escapes me as he tilts his hips and slows his pace.
“I need you so bad, Snow, but you’ve got to be quiet. We wouldn’t want to wake anyone up.”
I’d give him anything he needed.
I should have been standing next to this man today, telling the rest of the world to go to hell. I couldn’t give him that, but I can give him this. Digging my feet into his ass, I wrap my arms around his strong shoulders and suck on his bottom lip.
“Take what you need, Sam.”
His tortured eyes lock with mine.
“You’re not hurting me. Take it. Take everything.”
Strong lips seal over mine. Owning me. Loving me.
My walls tighten, and I know I can’t hold back. “I’m right there, Sam.”
Strong hands lift me from the counter, anchoring me in his arms as he slams me down on his cock. “Come now, Snow.”
Sam’s tongue drives into my mouth, muffling my moan as his thrusts begin to slow, prolonging my orgasm. Once he’s come, he doesn’t put me back on my feet. No, not this crazy man. Instead, he takes two steps and leans me against the wall. “Are you okay, Amelia? Did I hurt you?”