The phonein my pocket vibrates hours later, just as the last of the mourners have finally cleared out of the house. I’m expecting it to be Dean with an update, but instead, I open the screen to a text from Declan Sinclair.
Declan:Just wanted you to know Amelia is sleeping at our house tonight.
Declan:Your guy is going to turn into a popsicle outside.
Declan: Or would that make him an Italian water ice?
Sam:Thanks for looking out for her today Quarterback. I’ll come get her as soon as I can.
Declan:There’s a foot of snow outside.
Sam:One of these guys has to have a truck I can borrow.
Sam:It’s not like you live far. This town is 5 miles wide.
Declan:You wake a twin - you take them home.
Sam:You talking about your sister or your kids? Cause that sister of yours is a talker. I can definitely see you wanting to let her sleep.
Declan:You’re not wrong. Text when you’re here. Don’t knock.
Bash passes by with a grocery bag full of leftovers. “Hey, man. I’m heading to Len’s. When Dean asks for his keys later, tell him I’ve got them.”
“How’d you end up with Dean’s keys?” I doubt he gave them up willingly.
Sebastian winks and opens the side door leading to the garage. Now that his non-engagement has ended, the weight he carries on his shoulders has lifted. “Don’t worry about that. Just tell him I’ve got his car. If he needs to get home tonight, have him ask one of the guys for a ride. I won’t be back.”
The door closes behind him, and the phone in my hand rings before I have time to give a shit about how pissed Dean’s going to be. Mike’s name is flashing across my screen. “Tell me you’ve got something for me.” I make my way down the hall and into the office, closing the door behind me.
“It was Louis Tremblay at the cemetery today. I was able to tap into some of the local security feeds and catch him coming and going. But the trail stops both ways about two blocks out. There’s a dead zone I lost him in. I tracked him flying into the small private airport in Northeast Philly yesterday. He’s got to still be in town. All flights in and out of the city have been grounded.” There’s a hesitation in his voice, like there’s more he’s not telling me.
“Spit it out, Mike. What aren’t you saying?”
Mike blows out a long breath before I hear the tap of his fingers on the keyboard. “He flew in and out of the same airport last week, Sam. In on Sunday morning. Out that night.”
“Fuck,” I roar. Finally, the reality of what he’s telling me hits home, and I put my fist through the wall. “It was him.”
“I don’t think he was alone, Sam. Think about it. He wouldn’t have had access to your car. He wouldn’t have known where you were.”
There’s a knock at my door before I hear Dean and Nick’s voices yelling.
“Get me evidence, Mike. Get me everything you can.” I hang up the phone and pull open the door to see Dean and Nick standing on the other side. Opening the door wider, I step aside as I try to center myself from the sucker punch I just took to the gut. “Come in.”
They both stand there, staring. Waiting for an explanation. An explanation they’re only getting one piece of tonight. “Mike got Louis Tremblay on camera. He’s here in Philly. He flew into the airport in Northeast Philly. He can’t have flown home because the planes have been grounded. He can’t have gotten far because he wouldn’t know where to fucking go. Mike’s got him flying in and out last Sunday too.”
I look at my two closest men.
My best friend and my mentor.
My cousin and my uncle.
I don’t want to believe one of them is a traitor.
“I want every man we have on this. I want every door knocked down. I want every favor called in. I want every fucking junkie who owes us money looking for this man. I want him found, and I want him found alive. I want to look this man in the eyes before he dies.”
* * *