Page 49 of Sicilian Sunset

She pulls my pillow away and throws it on the ground so I can’t reach for it again.

“Go away,” I grumble.

Sadly, it doesn’t deter her. “How was it?” Rhia asks.

“How was what?” I ask, pulling up the sheets to hide.

Of course, I know what she’s talking about, but it’s too early on a Sunday morning to be interrogated by my cheery friend.

Rhia pulls the sheet away from me.

“You slept with him, right?!” She looks at me full of expectations.

“Please tell me you slept with your hot Italian stud!” She raises her hands up to the heavens in a praying gesture.

Is she for real? “Seriously? How long have you known me?” I ask, striving for an annoyed tone.

“Come on. You were Opposite Ella, that’s what she would have done. It was the perfect opportunity.”

“You must have drunk too much last night. It’s given you amnesia and made you forget who you’re talking to. What time did you get back, anyway? I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Zoe and I only just got back.”

That gets my attention. “What? You were out all night with your sister and the two Italian gods? Did you…” I can’t even get myself to say it out loud.

She wouldn’t have cheated on Lex. No. That’s just not possible.

But her grin nearly splits her face, and she truly looks like a very satisfied woman.

“Jeepers, Ella. How can you possibly think that?” Like always, she’s excellent at reading my thoughts.

“Don’t blame me. Have you looked in the mirror this morning? You’re glowing like you had sex all night.”

“That’s because I did,” she says, exasperated. “With Lex!”

“What?” I’m confused. “How? I thought he had no reception.”

“He’s back in civilization and rang me straight away. Zoe, Mateo, and Romeo disappeared early on. There are hotel rooms above the club, and Mateo gave me a key for one. I’m sure you can fill in the rest.”

“So Zoe really got her threesome?”

“There was no stopping her. You should have seen how the three of them were making out on the dancefloor… it made me blush. I tell you, Mateo is something else!” She fans herself. “But enough of that. Back to you… we’re not talking about me or Zoe right now. The spotlight is on you,” she says, smirking at me.

“I don’t like the spotlight on me,” I grumble.

“Too bad. Tell me why you didn’t go for it. You’re clearly attracted to him, and it’s more than obvious he wants you. He wouldn’t take his eyes off you all night. At least admit you were tempted.”

“Yes, okay… I was tempted.” I admit that much with an exasperated sigh.

Not feeling in the mood to explain to her why I thwarted his attempts to get closer, I decide to have a little fun with her.

Biting my lip to stop myself from grinning and giving away my game, I lift my nightdress and show her my now enormously bruised groin.

Overnight, the swelling subsided. I fully expected having to cancel our Mount Etna tour this morning, but when I checked throughout my sleepless night, the bite site steadily improved. Now there’s a bruise the size of a fist.

Rhia gapes at the mark, looking confused.

Frowning, she asks, “What happened?”