Page 48 of Sicilian Sunset

I’m momentarily speechless.

I wondered if I would see him again. Part of me is excited that he wants to spend more time with me. How could I not given this inexplicable magnetic pull towards him?

No stranger has ever felt as familiar as Tiero does. At the same time, no person has ever made me so nervous and on edge.

Given we nearly kissed before the spider bite, I’m well aware of Tiero’s intentions now, and for my own sanity, I can’t go down that path. But it’s as tempting as a great dessert.

So tempting!

Fine, I admit it. I do want to see him again… even though he tests my resolve to stay a good girl.

“Okay,” I agree with a shy smile. Tiero’s face lights up, making him look even more gorgeous.

“Good. I’m looking forward to it.”

I smile up at him. He’s so charming.

“Are you going to be all right here alone? Do you want me to stay?” Tiero asks.

“No. I mean yes. I’m good.” I’m quick to reply. If he stayed, I’m absolutely certain I wouldn’t be okay—I’d be a nervous wreck.

“Enjoy your day on the volcano tomorrow… I mean today.” He kisses the top of my head once more and gets off the bed, walking to the door.

“Thank you for everything,” I call after him.

He turns around and gifts me with a pantie-melting smile.

Oh my.

“Of course, princess. I’ll look after you. Remember, Dr. Agosti will be back at eight in the morning. If you need anything in the meantime, call me.”

With a last glance over his shoulder, he instructs, “Lock up behind me.”

I nod and smile at him.

“Buonanotte, Ella.”

“Buonanotte,” I respond, waving goodbye as he leaves.

Knock, knock, knock.

What is that annoying thumping?

I force my eyes open and yawn. After lying awake for hours, it feels like I’ve only just gone to sleep. Surely it can’t be time to get up yet.

Knock, knock, knock

The interconnecting door swings open and Rhia bounces in full of beans. It’s obvious she had a good night.

I groan and glare at her. Now is not the time to be giddy.

“Wakey, wakey sunshine,” she sing-songs, as she jumps on my bed, making it bounce a few times.

“What time is it?” I groan.

“Nearly eight o’clock. Time for you to be up and embrace this wonderful day.” I pull my pillow over my head, doing my best to ignore her.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” I whine.