“Well, unlike your man who knows where to stick his… hmm… thing, my Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome did not. He missed the hole altogether and didn’t even notice. And as you can see, I’ve been battered hard. We even had to call a doctor afterwards.”
Rhia’s mouth falls open. “You’re shitting me, right?”
Chapter Ten
“IwishIwas,”I say, somehow managing to keep a straight face, while on the inside I’m bending over with laughter. The fact she has to ask pleases me greatly. It means she somewhat believes me.
And right on cue, there’s a knock on the door.
Oh my God, this is perfect.
I turn away from Rhia to hide my smirk.
“Just a moment,” I call out.
Getting out of bed, I throw on a robe and head to the door. When I open it, Tiero’s physician is standing there with his medical bag in hand.
“Buongiorno Dr. Agosti,” I greet him and step aside to let him in.
Rhia’s eyes widen comically when I introduce my visitor.
“How are you feeling this morning?” Dr. Agosti asks.
“Well, the cream worked miracles. The swelling is gone, though the area looks really bruised.”
“Hmm. Let me take a look.”
I lay down again and show him the bite mark, cringing when he pokes the area. “This rarely ever happens. I’ve only seen it one other time,” Dr. Agosti remarks as he bends lower to inspect it closer.
I watch Rhia’s face as it morphs into absolute disbelief, her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. Watching her helps me ignore the embarrassing fact that a stranger’s face is in my crotch.
“What the heck?!” Rhia mouths.
Oh, I’m enjoying this. Let’s up the ante.
Turning my attention back to the doctor, I say, “Yes, I was so shocked. I never thought something like this would happen to me. Tiero really surprised me when he called you. I expected him to know what to do.”
“He did the right thing to call me. You don’t want to take any chances. If in doubt, always call a doctor.”
Rhia’s eyes bulge some more as she looks at me in utter disbelief.
“Everything looks good. You’ve got nothing to worry about, Miss O’Neil,” Dr. Agosti assures me. “I’m certain Gualtiero will ensure there won’t be a repeat of this. There could be complications if it happened again otherwise.”
Oh, I’m loving this doctor. He has no idea he’s playing along with my little charade. It’s perfect… I’m ready to explode.
“Well, he can’t really guarantee that now, can he?” I say, and pretend to be a little disappointed.
“He will try his best,” the good doctor replies. “I will talk to him.”
“Thank you, Dr. Agosti. Is there anything else I need to do?”
“No, you’re all good to go. Just keep applying the cream three times a day until the bruising is gone. And best to keep anything dangerous away from the area,” he says, completely serious.
With those last words, I nearly lose it and have to cover up my laughter with a very unladylike cough.
I see the doctor out, and turn to face Rhia as she sits down open-mouthed on my bed.