“I’m sure people will be delighted to know that a duke is inciting violence against people he perceives as rivals for his affection.”

“Who’s going to believe you? You against a member of the nobility? You’d never get anyone thinking that His Grace is capable of that.” Hoggard grabbed Richard by the lapel and yanked him forward. “He’s paying me handsomely for this, so I dare you to put a step wrong.”

“You’re going to be waiting a long time for that.”

“I don’t think so.”

Richard didn’t like being threatened. Especially by a servant. He wasn’t going to stand for it. With a growl, he brought his knee up and connected with Hoggard’s crotch. Hoggard let out asurprised grunt and immediately let go, dropping to his knees as he clutched himself. Richard stepped back so he could not be grabbed, rubbing his knee. That was not comfortable to do. He was resisting the urge to wince himself.

“I think you need to go back to your master and tell him that he doesn’t need to worry about his fiancee having a friendship with a gentleman he doesn’t approve of. If he has to send a servant after me to make a point, he’s not very trusting towards Miss Moore. Maybe he should focus on himself instead of going after me.”

Hoggard didn’t immediately say anything. He just rolled onto the ground and made a noise that could have been him cursing. Richard tittered.

“Dear me. You need to go and wash your mouth out. Servants shouldn’t be talking like that.” He stepped around the fallen man. “Now, leave me alone. I see you following me again; I’ll be calling for the constable.”

He walked away, heading back to the house. His long walk around the park was something he didn’t want to do anymore. Not if Hoggard got his breath back and started looking for him.

Today was not going very well at all.