Chapter 14

“Oh, of all the nerve!”

Isabel looked up from her breakfast. Lady Dunley was reading a letter that had very cursive writing. Looking over her shoulder, Isabel could barely read it.

“What is it, Mother? Who’s it from?”

“It’s from the new Viscount Dunley. Well, from his personal secretary, anyway. His master has fallen sick with a fever.”

Isabel stared.

“Daniel’s ill? I thought he was one of those people who was never ill.”

“Well, he is now. His secretary says that his wife and son have gone back to their house near London to keep themselves safe from the risk of infection. Now he’s on his own in Clovewood.”

From the way Lady Dunley was sitting and the barely contained scowl, there was more than just their cousin being ill. Isabel put down her knife and fork.

“What has he asked for? For us to stop putting off sorting out Father’s debts so he doesn’t have creditors at his door again? That’s all he ever writes to us.”

“There is that at the beginning. But it’s further down that’s where he’s got some nerve.” Lady Dunley held out the letter. “Read it for yourself. I’m still struggling to believe what I’m seeing.”

Isabel took the letter and peered at the writing. It took a while to read it. She had never seen such a flowing script that was close to illegible.

When she did understand what was on the paper, Isabel had to read it a couple more times. He really did have a nerve.

“He’s requesting that you return to the estate to assist him in the running of it until he’s well enough to get up.”

“Meaning he wants me to come home to run the estate while he convalesces, and then as soon as he’s better, he’ll send me back to London.” Lady Dunley’s fists were clenched on the table. “The gall of the ... I can’t believe he would think that was fine for him to say.”

“Are you going to do it?”

“I don’t want to. It’s going to be painful to leave the second time around. And I know even if I know how to run the estate, Daniel will make sure I take orders from him. He’s going to make me very aware of who’s in charge. Then once he’s well enough, he’ll take great pleasure in sending me away again. From my home.”

Isabel watched her mother carefully. She wasn’t sure if the older woman was going to scream or burst into tears. Before she could say anything, Arnaud entered the room, bobbing a curtsy to Lady Dunley.

“My Lady, Lady Blythcourt and Lady Hester are here.”

“What?” Lady Dunley looked up. “At this time of the morning?”

“I did tell them it was early for calling, but they want to hear about what happened last night.”

Last night. Isabel’s breath caught in her chest. God, she had been trying to forget about it. Especially the kiss with Richard. It had been something she shouldn’t have done, and the moment she started thinking about the kiss, she began thinking of more. All of it involving the man she had grown up with.

Why was she feeling like this? It was not right. Richard had known she was engaged, and he still kissed her. She should have hit him for doing such a thing. Now Isabel was carrying around a lot of guilt and wondering what she was going to do next.

Was Richard trying to tempt her to prefer him over Galliston? Was he hoping that she would end the engagement and be with him? That sounded ludicrous, even to her. Richard wouldn’t do that.

So why was he kissing her each time they met?


Isabel jumped. Both Lady Dunley and Arnaud were looking at her oddly. Feeling her face getting warm, Isabel shifted in her seat. She had wandered off in her thoughts again.

“Did you say something, Mother?”

Lady Dunley frowned.

“I did, but I’m sure you weren’t listening. Not with that strange look on your face.”