He would rather be back in Devon. Or even in Italy. Or Austria; that was a beautiful country. But London would be a good substitute for now.

There was the sound of footsteps behind him, and Richard looked back. The man who had been hovering outside Ainsley’s house was there, following him. His stride was firm, his focus on Richard.

Was he being openly followed?

Richard turned and put his hands on his hips.

“Can I help? You seem to be very interested in me.”

The man slowed, his eyes narrowing. He was about Richard’s height, but he was bigger in terms of build. Richard could imagine he was one of those people who went underground to fight, and he would wipe everyone out.

“Where are you going, Mr Sidney?”

“So, I am the reason you’re coming this way. Why?”

“Answer my question.”

Richard snorted.

“Last time I checked, I’m the one who asked the question first. And you seem to be of a lower class to me, so you answer when I ask you something.”

The other man scowled.

“Name’s Hoggard.”

“And who do you work for?”

“The Duke of Galliston.”

Richard blinked.

“Galliston had you watching me? Why?”

“Because he was concerned that you were too comfortable with his fiancee, Miss Moore. He wants to make sure you two don’t interact again.”

So, Galliston had noticed something. Richard had noticed the duke staring at him from the other side of the room during the exhibition but hadn’t thought much of it. He hadn’t gone anywhere near the man, which also meant that he hadn’t gone anywhere near Isabel again. She was practically stuck to his side, and she refused to look at him if she happened to look in his direction. After their kiss, Richard could understand, but it still hurt him that the woman he loved wouldn’t acknowledge him.

He was a fool, of that much he was certain.

“He can’t stop his fiancée from interacting with me. We’re childhood friends, and that’s not going to change because she’s marrying up.”

“It is going to change,” Hoggard growled. “His Grace is not comfortable with the fact you and Miss Moore know each other. He doesn’t want you coming around her anymore.”

“How is he going to do that? Drag me into an alley and beat me?”

“If that’s what it takes.” Hoggard flexed his hands. “I’ve been told to stop you from approaching Miss Moore or even communicating with her. You do that, and I’ll be taking further action.”

This was so ridiculous that Richard burst out laughing.

“Really? You think threatening me is going to help? It’s up to Miss Moore who she interacts with, and I’ll follow her lead. Until then, you have no say over who I can and can’t see.”

“That’s not what His Grace says, and I’m going to follow my orders.”

Hoggard stepped towards him. Richard resisted the urge to step back. He had never been in a fight, and he didn’t want to start now, but he had a feeling that there was no chance of getting out of this. He took a deep breath.

“Did he also give you orders to attack me if you thought I was going near Miss Moore?”

“He did. By any means necessary, His Grace said.” Hoggard smirked. “Just so you get the message.”