Reginald felt a familiar warmth in his chest. Up close, Lady Sarah was even more lovely. There was a keen intelligence in her beautiful eyes. It was so powerful that Lord Reginald felt the need to look away.

“Lady Constance,” he said, bowing his head. “I’ve heard much of you.”

“Have you really?”

Reginald was instantly struck by Lady Constance’s high-pitched voice, almost like a squeal.

“Yes, the duke and I were just discussing you in the parlour.”

A flush came to Lady Constance’s cheek. “I’m terribly flattered.”

“I can see.”

“Now then!” The duke clapped his hands together once more. “Are you ladies prepared to dance?”

Lady Constance eyed Reginald. “I most certainly am.”

“Then let’s proceed.”

The duke walked out onto the dance floor, and the orchestra stopped. All eyes turned towards him as he made a formal announcement to the crowd.

“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honour to have you in my estate. It’s my keenest wish that you enjoy yourselves and be out of my home by eleven.”

The crowd laughed as the duke smiled humorously. He motioned towards the orchestra to begin, and so they did. The dancers stood in their formation, Reginald looking from side to side to ensure he was standing in the right place.

As he looked across from him, he noticed that Lady Sarah was inspecting him once more. Was this fortuitous or an ill omen? Reginald was unsure.

The music began, and the dance ensued. Reginald tried as best he could to merely mirror what the duke was doing, and for the most part, this approach proved to be a success. Reginald was impressed by how well he followed along with the music.

He did turns around Lady Constance, who continued to blush and smile. He hopped about, got into a circle, and then changed partners. Briefly, Reginald danced with Lady Sarah, even bringing his hand up to press against her gloved hand. He delighted in the warmth of her fingers.

Once the music was done, the dancers clapped respectfully, and Reginald was deeply proud of himself. To his eye, not a soul could tell that he didn’t know what the devil he was doing. If only his mother could see him on that fateful night. She would have been proud, as well.

Once the dance was done, the group retired to the dining room to behold the pudding that had been served—raspberry trifle, chocolate cake, peach soufflé, and candied fruits.

Lady Constance and Lady Sarah chatted, and Reginald found himself looking at her now and again. Unfortunately, the duke was able to pick up on this.

“I know that you’re admiring her,” the duke said.

Reginald shook his head. “I merely think … yes, perhaps there is a chance that we’ve met before as Lady Sarah does seem familiar.”

The duke grinned. “She has one of those faces that is pleasing and familiar, yes. I was struck by that the first time that I met her.”

“And where was that?”

“In London, at Almack’s. She always secures a voucher.”

“Quite impressive.”

“I’m sure it will be easy for me to get you in. In fact, I’m sure some of the most impressive gentlemen’s clubs will allow you admittance.”

“I’m unsure of that.” Reginald took a bite of his chocolate cake. There was a strawberry filling inside.

“Come now. A man with your character and bearing. All of society would be pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“I’ll consider it … Once I return from my grand tour.”

Lady Constance asked, “Did you mention a grand tour?”