“Well, I suppose I can secure a dance between the two of you.”

The earl panicked. “That’s quite unnecessary.”

“Come on, old chap. It’s easy for me to secure. I have command over all of my guests.”

Reginald swallowed down a lump in his throat. “Very well.”

The men clapped and cheered. Cigar smoke continued to plume in the parlour, and two separate footmen served more brandy. Considering that Reginald had a talent for drinking without becoming drunk, he enjoyed watching the other men tip and swirl about in their intoxication.

The duke finally asked, “Lord Reginald, might I ask where you’re lodged tonight?”

“At the Hamel Inn. It seems a nice establishment.”

The portly man spoke up. “They have a fine breakfast!”

“So I’m told.”

The duke shook his head. “Preposterous. You’ll stay at my estate. There are still a few empty rooms.”

“That’s out of the question.” Reginald shook his head. “I wouldn’t hear of it.”

“Come, come, old chap. I would be offended if you turned me down.”

Reginald pulled a hand through his hair. “Then I suppose … I accept.”

The duke approached and gave Reginald a hearty clap on the back. Yes, Reginald was past question winning the wager. Yet, what would Jimmy, Ned, and Bo think when he didn’t return that night? Perhaps that he was shot in a pistol duel.

“Now then.” The duke clapped his hands together. “How about some dancing?”

Some of the men seemed enthusiastic, others grumbled. Reginald felt a knot in his stomach.

Being led out of the parlour and towards the ballroom, the sound of the orchestra could be heard, as well as chatter and laughter. Everyone at the estate seemed to be having a marvellous time, and in the dining room, fresh food was served continuously.

Reginald scanned the room for Lady Sarah, but she was nowhere to be found, neither in the dining room or the ballroom.

“Here is where we’ll find you a match,” the duke said, leading the group of men into the ballroom.

Watching the dancing that ensued, Reginald tried to memorize the steps as quickly as he could.

The duke departed in order to find Lady Constance Eberly, and Reginald continued to stare at the dancers, saying a prayer that he might learn things quickly.

After a few moments’ absence, the Duke of Faversham returned with none other than Lady Constance Eberly … and Lady Sarah.

Reginald cleared this throat, wishing to make a good first impression.

The duke announced the earl. “Ladies, this is Lord Reginald Simmons, Earl of … ?”

“Buckland,” Reginald said.

“Yes, Buckland. Lord Reginald, this is Lady Constance and Lady Sarah.”

Reginald locked eyes with Lady Sarah first. She knitted her brow in confusion before she spoke. “My Lord, I feel as though I know you from somewhere.”

“That’s quite impossible,” Lord Reginald replied. “I’ve just come in from Wales.”

“Are you sure?” Lady Sarah asked.

“Quite sure.”