“Yes, I’m on my way tomorrow.”

“Oh, but how long will you be gone?”

“Several months.”

Reginald met Lady Sarah’s eyes again, who still appeared suspicious.

The duke said, “But there are so many wonderful events happening in the next month. There’s still time to postpone.”

Reginald shook his head. “I’ve been anticipating this trip for some time.”

“We’ll see.” The duke clapped him on the back.

Lady Sarah finally spoke. “Might I ask what your most anticipated destination is?”

Reginald had to prevent a smile from creeping onto his lips. “Past question—Venice. I enjoy the canals.”

“I do, as well,” Lady Sarah replied.

“You’ve been?”

“Yes. My father, the Earl of Benton, brought my sister and me … ” Sarah quickly looked around the dining room. “Come to think of it; I don’t know where my sister is.”

“She must be dancing,” the duke said.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to check.” Lady Sarah curtsied and departed. Reginald was sorry to see her go.

The duke stepped in. “She and her sister are quite close. They go nowhere without one another.”

Lady Constance frowned. “My sister has decided to join a nunnery.”

Reginald’s eyebrows shot up. “Whatever for?”

“She wishes to be wed to the Lord.”

An awkward silence followed. Reginald could understand why Lady Constance’s sister might wish to abscond from the world.

“Being the hermit that I am,” Reginald said. “I don’t know that I blame her.”

The duke said, “We’ll turn you into a society dandy soon enough.”

Reginald frowned to himself. That sounded absolutely dreadful.

He returned his attention to where Lady Sarah had fled, hoping that she found her sister so that she might return.