Page 53 of Queen of Hell

“I wanted to see you both, yes,” he says with a smile, holding Poppy against him. “I also didn’t want you facing whatever this is alone, so I decided that here was where I needed to be right now.”

Poppy sighs and lifts her head to look up at him, a small smile on her face.

“I think what Kenzi means to say is thank you for coming to see us, Xave, we missed you,” she tells him, and giggles when he bends down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.

“I missed you too, Little One,” he tells her with a small smile.

“What she said,” I say pointing to Poppy with a smile and he chuckles again as I turn around to face the reasons we’re standing here.

They start to walk towards us with confusion written over their faces, but my eyes are locked on Clay. His eyes are hard and he looks pissed, staring behind me. I watch him as he comes closer and he stumbles slightly when he recognises the man behind me, the angry look leaving his face and other emotions flying across it. I catch each one, ranging from jealousy to lust, happiness to sadness, before they disappear just as quickly.

“Who the fuck is this?” Raphael asks, looking Xave up and down with a sneer.

“You know, you really need an attitude adjustment, Raphael. I’m starting to think you don’t like me,” I say with a pout, before I look behind me and smile at Xave as I sweep my hand out to them and I introduce everyone.

“Wyatt. Raphael, Elijah. This is X,” I tell them, and all four of them gasp at the name. “This is the goon squad,” I tell Xave with a smile and he chuckles behind me. I hear a throat clear and turn my gaze back to Clay.

“Ahh, yes. You already know Clay. He grew up pretty, don’t you think, Xave?” I say and there’s another gasp from the guys as Xave chuckles once again.

“That he did, baby,” Xave says as he snakes a hand around my waist, pulling me into him next to Poppy and placing a kiss on my head before doing the same to her. “Very pretty.”

Clay’s eyes widen at our display before he shakes his head slightly and clears his throat.

“You know, that actually makes sense,” he says, looking at Xave with a tilt of his head. “You being X, I mean. I always wondered how Tink managed to stay anonymous whilst also becoming so infamous. You were one of the best hackers out there, even back then. I should have known it was you behind the scenes protecting her when I didn’t see anything on the news about what happened that night.”

I stiffen as Xave tightens his grip on my waist, a low growl leaving his lips.

“Someone had to protect her after what happened, and you certainly made sure that wasn’t going to be you,” he snarls at Clay.

Clay’s mouth turns down as his eyes lock with mine. He goes to open his mouth to say something that would probably piss me off, so I clear my throat to gain everyone's attention.

“Well, as much as this trip down memory lane has been a bucket of fucking fun bubbles,” I say, patting Xave’s arm and hearing a quiet giggle come from Poppy, “Shall we go inside and get this over with?”

“Wait,” Wyatt exclaims as we go to turn and head into the house. I look at him and he has that fucking smile on his face again. “Is no one going to talk about what we just saw here? I mean, come on, fairy girl, that was fucking hot. Are we going to be getting anymore shows like that tonight? Maybe the option to participate?” He asks as he wiggles his eyebrows at me, that fucking dimple appearing in his cheek as he smiles and winks.

“Did you forget what I told you I would do with your tongue already, Wyatt?” I ask him, shaking my head.

“I know what I’d like to be doing with my tongue right now, and it doesn’t include talking or having it cut off,” he says with a smirk and a lick of his lips, and I can’t help but laugh which makes him smile wider.

“You’re pretty confident in yourself there, but if you think you’re up tothatjob you’ve got some fierce competition to contend with,” I say, my own smirk rising as Xave comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist. I watch as Wyatt’s eyes go to Xave, one eyebrow raised.

“I’m up for the challenge if you are, man,” he says to Xave with a chuckle, his grin wide on his face. His eyes go over to Poppy, who is still wrapped in Xave’s other arm slightly behind me. “What about you, Marks? I’ve heard that it's the quiet ones you have to look out for. I bet you’re more of a freak in bed than you are out of it.”

At Poppy’s shocked gasp, everything seems to happen at once. Xave lets out a loud growl and his arm leaves my waist as he goes to step around me. Poppy whimpers quietly at the loss of contact and as I grab onto her and pull her into me with one hand, my other hand is grabbing the knife out the holster on my hip and throwing it at Wyatt before grabbing onto Xave’s arm to stop him.

Wyatt lets out a pained groan as the other three start shouting and cursing in my direction, a round of ‘what the fuck?’ and ‘fucking psycho bitch’ ringing out into the night, and I’m sure the grin on my face as I look at him is showing all my crazy right about now.

“What the fuck was that, Tink?” Clay shouts at me, waving his arm in Wyatt’s direction. “You just threw a knife in his fucking leg!”

I tilt my head at him before handing Poppy over to Xave and I start slowly walking over to the idiots that keep on finding new reasons to make me want to stab them.Repeatedly.

“You seem to keep forgetting who you’re really dealing with boys. Let’s get one thing straight,” I say as I stop in front of Wyatt. “You hold none of the power here. Despite my size I am very capable of killing every single one of you without breaking a sweat,” I grab the hilt of the knife sticking out of Wyatt’s thigh and yank it out. “You might want to put some pressure on that until we get inside. And just so you know, the next time any one of you speaks to, or about Poppy in a way that’s not respectful I will slit your throat and watch you bleed out without a second thought and a smile on my face,” I rock back on my heels and clap my hands with a smile. “Great chat boys. Now, should we all go inside? We can stitch that leg and then you can say what you have to say before fucking off. I’ve already had enough of your stellar fucking company.”

I turn my back on them and walk back towards the house, swinging the knife in my hand as I go. When I reach Poppy and Xave at the door I smile and nod, knowing I now have the perfect excuse to get them into the playroom, and Xave smiles back at me before turning to go into the house with Poppy. I turn around to see the guys haven’t moved from their places.

“Come on boys, I’ve got a medical room of sorts set up downstairs. Let's get Wyatt stitched up before he bleeds out all over my driveway.”

I turn my back on them once more and walk through the door. Poppy’s eyes are wide and her smile is huge on her face, taking in the wide foyer in front of us as she turns around. I can understand the look, it really is a beautiful building. The foyer has two sets of stairs that wrap around the walls and lead to the next level, a large balcony surrounding it and another set of stairs in the same design reaching the top floor in the opposite direction that has another balcony surrounding that too, allowing you to see all the way up, or down. You know,just in case.