Page 54 of Queen of Hell

“Oh my god, Kenz, this place is huge,” she says as she looks at me, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a place this big before.”

“It is big,” I chuckle as she walks towards me. “We can explore once we’ve dealt with the guys.” I tell her and then I look towards Xave. “How are we doing this, Xave?”

“We both need to hear what they have to say, so I’ll be joining you downstairs,” he says before looking at Poppy. “I think it would be best if you wait up here, Little One. We don’t know how this is going to go and I would like you where it’s safe.”

“I’m not leaving her on her own, Xave. If something goes wrong I want her within reach,” I tell him as he comes towards us. “I was going to take her down with me if you weren’t here, so I don’t really see any reason to change that now you’re going to be down there too.”

Xave stops in front of us and looks at me, ready to argue his point, but Poppy looks up at him and places her hand on his chest to gain his attention.

“I really don’t want to stay up here on my own. I promise I’ll listen and do exactly what you tell me to, but please don’t leave me up here alone,” she tells him when he looks down at her.

His eyes soften as he wraps his arms around her and places a kiss on top of her head before pulling back slightly so he can look at her.

“Okay, I won’t leave you alone. We all go downstairs and find out what they want. But you stay out of their reach and do exactly as I say, Poppy,” he tells her.

“I promise,” she says with a small smile, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying herself into him.

“Uh, so where are we doing this?” Clay says from behind me, and I turn to find them all crowded in the doorway, Raphael with his arm around Wyatt to hold him steady.

“Alright, Xave, let’s show the boys to the medical room,” I say with a grin. Xave nods before turning with Poppy and leading us to the door that will take us down into my new playroom.



We walk down the stairs leading to the ‘medical room’.I really like the sound of that, I think to myself with a smile, I could totally see myself playing doctor. Xave is in front with Poppy and I’m bringing up the rear with the guys sandwiched between us. The thought of their faces when they see what awaits them in the room below has my smile growing and makes me wish I was in Xave’s place so I could see their initial reactions.

Xave hits a switch on the wall just before he and Poppy disappear into the room and the guys follow them in. I’m outright grinning as I hear their shocked gasps when I follow them in, and the four of them turn to face me with identical pissed off looks across their faces.

“What the fuck is this, Kenzi?” Clay spits at me, waving his arms around the room.

“Uh, it’s my medical room, Clay. Don’t you like it?” I ask with a pout. “I happen to think it’s a beautiful room,” I smile as I look around the room for the first time.

The room looks nearly identical to my one at home, only smaller. The walls are red and the floor slopes slightly to a drain in the middle. It has shelving units with an array of tools and weapons, and even has a fridge already full of poisons and other drugs against the walls.

There are no chains hanging from the ceiling yet, but as I look across the room I see a metal gurney with restraints attached to it, and isthat-

“Xave!” I squeal as I barge through the guys to run across the room. He catches me with a laugh as I jump into his arms and press a kiss to his lips, Poppy giggling beside us. “You remembered.”

“Of course I did, baby,” he says with a smile. “You’ve only been going on about how much you wanted one in the playroom for the last year.”

I jump back down and walk over to my newest toy, running a hand reverently down the cool steel. In front of me, bolted into the wall and the floor at an angle perfect for my height, stands a black St Andrews Cross with steel restraints for the hands and feet.

“Isn’t it just gorgeous?” I ask with a smile as I spin around to face the others.

Xave is standing there smiling indulgently at me, his arm around Poppy who is also smiling. When I turn my gaze to the Crew they are all standing there with shock and disgust across their faces. Even Elijah has a look of shock on his face, which is the biggest display of emotion I think I’ve ever seen from him.

“It looks like a fucking cross between a torture chamber and a fucking sex dungeon.” Rafael sneers, still holding on to Wyatt as blood soaks into his jeans, and glaring at me with a look in his eyes that is full of lust and completely at odds with the tone of his words.

I take a quick look down to see if I’m right, and sure enough the evidence is right there trying to punch its way through his jeans. I think Raphael is more like me than he cares to admit to his friends. I look back up to his face with a giggle as I bite my lip and wink at him.

“Aww, I think that might just be the sweetest thing you’ve said since we met,” I tell him with a smile as he glares at me. “Don’t be pouty, pretty boy. You know your face will stay like that if the wind changes, right?”

Poppy lets out a laugh, but quickly stops and covers her mouth with her hand when Rafael turns his sneer towards her.

“Now, now, Raphael. You do remember what just happened to Wyatt, don’t you?” I ask him with a tilt of my head. “I mean, you’re still holding the poor guy up whilst he bleeds. Bring him over to the gurney so we can stitch him up.”

The guys all look at each other before turning back towards me, the pensive looks on their faces priceless. I grab my phone out of my pocket and snap a picture of them as I laugh.