I turn my back on them and walk around the table to Poppy, reaching my hand out for her to take as she stands from her seat, a blush covering her beautiful face. I pull her into me before turning back to them.
“Remember boys, ten minutes. Don’t keep me waiting,” I tell them before turning around and walking out of the exit.
Ilook over at Poppy as I navigate the road leading up to the house. We’ve been driving further into the thick of the wilderness that surrounds WinterHill for the last half hour and she has been looking out the window at our surroundings since we entered the cover of the trees, her knee bouncing nervously. I place my hand on her thigh to stop the motion, giving it a small squeeze as she jumps in her seat, her thoughts miles away.
“Stop worrying, Angel. Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll have our little chat and then they can fuck off so we enjoy the rest of the night,” I tell her, giving her thigh another squeeze and turning my gaze back to the road.
“How much further is it?” She asks, leaning forward against her seatbelt and peering out of the windshield into the dark for a glimpse of our destination, making me chuckle.
“We’re almost there, just a few more minutes,” I tell her with a smile.
I peer over at her once again as the trees finally break and we’re driving up to the front of a huge three story mansion with brick columns holding up a huge wraparound porch and large floor to ceiling windows. Her eyes widen as she gasps and takes in the scene before her and a smile covers her face.
“Oh my gods! It’s beautiful, Kenz,” she says with an adorable squeal. “How did you find this place? I’ve lived here all my life and never knew this place was here.”
That was what had made this the perfect place for me to buy. It seems that it had been empty for so long that it had been forgotten about, not on any real estate listing for the town. But with Xave’s tech skills it was easy for him to get all the information he needed to find whoever it belonged to and handle a quick and quiet sale. And despite the fact that it’s been empty for so long it was still in really good condition, which is why Xave was able to get everything done so fast.
I’m not sure Poppy would like to know the reason that I was driving through the woods when I stumbled across this place my first weekend here - bodies don’t just disappear themselves, you know. Well, not when you’re five hours away from your clean up team anyway - so I just smile at her as we pull up to the front of the mansion.
I check the rear view mirror to make sure the guys have made it through and see their SUV pulling up behind us. I didn’t bother checking to make sure they were still behind me on the way here, they would either follow me or they wouldn’t.
I turn off the ignition before turning to face Poppy. Taking both her hands into mine, I decide to be completely honest with her.
“I don’t know how this is going to go tonight or what these guys will have to say for themselves, and that makes me want to turn this truck around and get you the fuck out of here,” I give her hands a gentle squeeze, “So I need you to remember to do exactly what I tell you to once we’re inside.”
She looks at me with wide eyes, her hands shaking slightly in mine, but she nods her head in acknowledgement.
“Do what you say. I can do that,” she says quietly, and I lean over to place a small kiss on her lips.
“Good girl,” I say as I pull away from her, watching the small shiver go down her body at the praise, “Stay right there.” I lean back to take off my seatbelt and jump out of the truck, walking round the front and opening Poppy’s door so she can get out. At the slamming of the SUV’s doors I pull her into my side and turn to face the guys.
They take in the sight before them with wide eyes before turning confused gazes towards me.
“What is this place?” Clay asks
“This is where we are going to have our little chat,” I say, sweeping my free hand out towards the building.
“I fucking knew this was a bad idea. A fucking creepy mansion in the middle of the fucking woods? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Raphael spits out. “When we have to kill these two because she decides to try and take us out I am not digging the fucking holes.”
Poppy lets out a small whimper, quiet enough for only me to hear, and I tighten my hold on her slightly as I narrow my eyes at him.
“I’d be careful if I were you, Raphael. Talk like that could have you meeting the sharp end of my blade,” I tilt my head and smile, “and as much as I would really enjoy hearing you scream, you’re quite pretty to look at and I’d hate to have to mess that up.”
He goes to reply with a smirk on his lips, but the front door swings open causing me to pull Poppy behind me as I spin around to see who the fuck would be coming out of the place. There shouldn’t be anyone here right now except us.
As my eyes adjust to the light that spills out of the open door my gaze lands on a familiar form making me smile. I pull Poppy with me and we make our way over to him, but his eyes are on the four men behind us that still haven’t moved away from their car. Or, if I had to hazard a guess, by the way he looks like he wants to kill someone right now, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides and mouth set in a grim line as he stares over our heads, I would put money on it being Clay he was trying to stare daggers through. I clear my throat and he finally takes his eyes off them, looking down at us with a smile.
“Xave, you are turning into one sneaky bastard,” I tell him with a smile. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He pulls me into him, bending down and taking my mouth with his, kissing me deeply and I grab him with my free hand and grab tighter to Poppy as I sigh into his mouth. He pulls away from me and turns to Poppy leaning down to give her the same welcome. She’s stiff for a second before her free hand snakes up his chest as his lips move over hers and she melts into him with a sigh, making me groan.
“Good girl,” Xave tells her as he pulls back, taking her free hand in his and kissing it as her face flames. He pulls her into him and I let her go, watching her cling to him and bury her face into his chest.
“Ahh, so that’s why you were so insistent that I bring Poppy with me,” I say with a smirk and he chuckles.