“Hey,” she exclaims, swatting my arm. “I have everyMission Impossiblemovie, actually. I love those.”
I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “I’m impressed.”
“The Hunger Gamestoo, and theDivergentmovies.”
“So, no chick flicks at all?”
“Well, I didn’t say that.” She looks across at me and wrinkles her nose. “A girl’s still got to have her favorite chick flicks to fall back on, especially with endless re-runs of football games on TV.”
“Not a football fan then?”
“Nope. Although I’ve never been to a game.”
“What? Not even in school?” I can’t hide my surprise. I thought everyone went to football games in high school.
“I didn’t socialize much at school. Football games were always big events, and I was never comfortable being part of them. School was hard enough with everyone talking and whispering behind my back. As soon as classes ended, I was the first one out of there.”
I groan inwardly, silently cursing myself at how insensitive my question was. “Hallie, I’m sorry. That was a stupid question.”
“It’s fine.” She waves her hand. “You like football then? Did you play in school?”
“I do, and I did. I was the quarterback.”
She laughs. “I can totally see that.”
I pull into a parking space at Target. “You can?” I ask as I turn off the engine, wondering what she means.
“Sure. Hottest guy in school. Star quarterback. It all makes sense.” She shrugs and opens her car door, climbing out.
I stare at where she was sitting, a little taken aback at her comment. I climb out and walk around the car to where she’s waiting for me.
“How do you know I was the hottest guy in school?”
A flush of pink makes its way up her neck and over her cheeks as she realizes what she said. “I… I…” She’s flustered, and I try not to laugh. “I only mean that all high school quarterbacks are usually the hottest guys in school. It comes with the job.”
I nod, a smile pulling on my lips. “Let’s get what we need and head home.” I don’t tease her anymore. I can see she’s mortified.
Thirty minutes later, we’re back in the car, surrounded by bags full of snacks. We have far too much, but Hallie is the most indecisive person I’ve ever met, and she couldn’t make up her mind about what she wanted. In the end, we got everything. I’m a little apprehensive as I drive back to Hallie’s apartment. After seeing the reporters camped outside the library this morning, I know it’s only a matter of time before they find out where she lives. I hope for her sake it isn’t today. I’m not sure she could handle it.
I sigh in relief when I pull up outside her building, and it’s clear.
“I thought we’d get here, and there would be reporters,” Hallie says quietly from the passenger seat. I park right outside the entrance and turn off the engine.
“Me too,” I admit. “I’m not going to lie, Hallie, I think it’ll happen.”
“Let’s hope the bastard gets caught before they figure out where I live then.” She climbs out of the car before I can reply, and I follow her.
A little while later, we’re sitting on the sofa, trying to decide what to watch. Hallie has changed into her ‘comfy pants’ as she calls them, and the snacks we bought from Target are set up on the table in front of the sofa. Despite Hallie having a handful of action movies, there are a load more romance movies than she confessed to in the car. I think I may have set myself up for a day of chick flicks.
“How about I choose first?” Hallie suggests. “You can choose after. I’ve got movies on the TV too.”
“Sure. I’m pretty confident you’ll be asleep in half an hour. I can put on what I want then,” I tell her nonchalantly.
From the corner of my eye, I see her reach for one of the sofa cushions. Before I can react, it hits the side of my head as she throws it at me.
“Hmph,” I let out as she chuckles.
“For that comment, I’m putting on my favorite movie.” She unfolds her legs from underneath her and moves toward the television. Reaching into one of the drawers in the unit, she takes a DVD case out, then slides the disc into the player.