Page 29 of Crossing the Line

“Should I ask what it is?”

“Pride and Prejudice. The version with Keira Knightly.” I groan inwardly as she picks up the bowl of popcorn. She flops on the sofa next to me, holding the bowl out. “Want some?”

“How many times have you watched this?” I ask, taking a handful of popcorn as the screen comes to life.

“God, I’ve lost count. I’m guessing you haven’t seen it?”


“You’re in for a treat!”

“Can’t wait,” I joke, tossing some popcorn in my mouth.

My prediction Hallie would be asleep in half an hour was pretty accurate, but my comment that I could put whatever movie on I wanted once she was asleep wasn’t quite panning out. What I hadn’t counted on was her falling asleep on me. The sofa we’re sharing is pretty small, and not long after she’d fallen asleep, her head had found my shoulder. I’ve been pinned to the spot ever since. Truth is, I’m enjoyingPride and Prejudicemore than I like to admit. I don’t need to let Hallie know that, though.

As the credits roll on the movie, I glance down at her. She’ll be mortified when she realizes she’s fallen asleep on me. I can tell she’s nervous around me. I’m guessing it’s down to that asshole and what he did to her. Not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, I gently lift her head from my shoulder and move off the sofa, laying her down. She stirs briefly but stays asleep. I grab the blanket draped over the back of the sofa and cover her with it. Letting out a sigh, I take the opportunity to watch her sleep. She’s beautiful, and despite only just meeting her, I find myself wanting to know everything about her.

She sleeps for a massive four hours, finally waking around two o’clock.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I tease as she sits up and raises her arms above her head in a stretch. Her hair is messy from how she’s been lying, and her face has the imprint of the cushion on it.

“How long have I been asleep?” Her voice still sounds sleepy, and I pass her a bottle of water from the side table.

“About four hours.”

“Shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to sleep for that long.”

“It’s fine. I got to watch exactly what I wanted.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, and she laughs.

“NoPride and Prejudicethen?”

“Nah, I turned that off. WatchedThe Matrixinstead,” I tell her, not wanting to admit I couldn’t turn it off, or that I actually liked it.

She rolls her eyes and stands. “I’m starving. Did you eat lunch?”

I nod. “I made a sandwich. I made you one too. It’s in the fridge.” I get off the footstool I’ve been sitting on and walk into the kitchen, taking the covered sandwich from the refrigerator.

“You didn’t have to do that. Thank you.” She takes the plate from me, and I shrug.

“I was making mine. It was no trouble.”

Hallie’s phone chimes from the living room, and I follow her out of the kitchen and back to the sofa. She groans as she looks at her phone.

“It’s Kitty. She’s booked a table at The Fitzroy.”

“I’ve heard it’s good there.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind hanging out with her?” She bites down on her bottom lip as she looks uncertainly at me. “I can guarantee she will think we should be dating. She can’t get her head around me not wanting to meet guys.”

“I’m more than happy to go out with her. I think it will be good to get out. Be normal for a while.”

“If you’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Her fingers fly over her phone screen as she types a reply to Kitty. I wait until she’s finished, her words from a few minutes ago swirling in my mind.

“So, you don’t date at all?” I ask. She must have guys who are interested in her. She’s beautiful.