Sawyer throws the car into reverse and speeds out of the small parking lot.
“How did they find out I worked here?” I ask.
“Those reporters can find anything out, Hallie.”
“Even where I live?” He looks across at me and gives me a sad smile. “That’s a yes, isn’t it?” He nods before focusing back on the road.
“They won’t be able to get into your apartment block. I promise you’re safe in your apartment.” I stare out the window, the streets of Savannah rushing past the window.
Am I? Surely a man who can abduct five girls off the street in broad daylight can gain access to an apartment block. I want to believe Sawyer. I really do.
“This will blow over. All those reporters back there, they’ll latch on to somebody else when another story hits.” He’s right. Today’s news is tomorrow’s trash. But today, right now, I’m the one they’re chasing, and I really wish they weren’t.
Hallie speaks to her boss on the phone while I keep driving, and due to his incessant shouting, I can hear every word he’s saying. Instantly, I dislike the guy. He’s pissed the reporters are camped outside the library. Like it’s Hallie’s fault. When she starts to apologize, I’ve heard enough. Reaching over, I take the phone from her ear and end the call.
“Sawyer!” she cries, snatching the phone back. “What did you do that for? That was my boss.”
“Your boss is an asshole,” I growl.
“My boss is pissed no one can access the library because of all the fucking reporters who have turned up.”
“And that’s your fault?”
“Right now, yes!”
“No, Hallie. Not ever. He’s got no right to speak to you like that.”
“And you’ve got no right to end my calls.” She crosses her arm and turns her head away from me.
I sigh and pull the car over to the side of the road. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I saw red. Do you want to call him back?”
She turns from looking out of the window and sighs. “Nah, he is an asshole.” She gives me a small smile, and I sigh in relief she isn’t annoyed with me. “I will give Dana a call, though. She’ll be worried about me.” She gets out of the car and paces up and down as she talks to her friend. After a few minutes, she ends the call and climbs into the car.
“Everything okay?” I ask as she buckles her seat belt. She sighs, and despite it still being early, she looks exhausted.
“Dana is holding down the fort, and I’ve asked her to speak to my boss, tell him I’ll be off until this is over… whenever that might be. I feel so guilty leaving Dana to deal with all of this. She’s got enough going on without all of my shit as well.”
"What do you mean?”
“Her husband walked out on her last year, and she’s trying to raise twin boys on her own. She struggles. She’s shattered most of the time as the boys don’t sleep well. The last thing she needs is to be covering my job as well.”
I reach across the car and take her hand, squeezing gently. “She’s your friend, Hallie. I’m sure she’s more worried about you than her at the moment. Don’t beat yourself up.” She sighs again and drops her head back on the seat, closing her eyes.
I was going to suggest picking up my bike and going for a ride away from all the shit in Savannah. Looking at her though, I think she needs to sleep.
“Okay, I’ve got an idea.” Turning the car around, I head back toward the center of Savannah.
Her head snaps up, and she looks at me. “What idea?”
“I was going to suggest we pick up the bike and go somewhere, but you look like you could fall asleep at any moment. So… I was thinking of a movie day on the sofa. We can get my bike another day.” As silence fills the car, I wonder if I’ve said something wrong. “If you don’t want to—”
“No!” she states, cutting me off. “I didn’t sleep great last night, so movies on the sofa sound perfect. Thank you.”
I smile across the car at her, and she smiles back. “Target for snacks it is then. I’m guessing your movie collection is full-on romance if your bookshelves are anything to go by?”