“So, it’s a quest-based reboot of a classic game, but the princess who always needed rescuing in the original is now a playable character and has to rescue the various other players who fell into traps trying to get to her in the first place.”
“Sounds fun.” I’m not sure my voice is convincing, because he arches a brow.
“It is fun. More fun than answering emails. Play with me and give me your honest opinion. Please?”
It’s the please that kills me.
“Okay, okay, fine. How does this work?”
He puts the controller in my hands and reaches around me to carefully place my fingers, explaining what the different buttons are called and what they control. I flash back to our first meeting, when our roles were reversed, and giggle. I struggle to focus because he is so close and he smells so good. If I turn my head just a little I could lick his neck. He leans back and takes his hands from mine. The loss is profound. I don’t know what gave me away, but he’s definitely on to me.
“Behave. If you play your game like a good girl, I’ll reward you. Later.”
I press my lips together and try to follow along. The game starts off pretty quickly with some easy challenges to learn the ropes. Before long I am running and jumping and sword slashing with the best of them. Then I hit a wall. A literal wall that I cannot get past.
“Try AABB on quick repeat while flicking up.”
“I don’t know what that means. Here, you do it.”
I hand him the controller and snuggle in next to him to watch. I try to pay attention to the game, I swear, but his hands are right there. I’m sure Princess What’s-her-name kicked some ass and took some names, but all I can see are the tendons in his forearms rising and falling and the veins on the back of his hands twitching with excitement.
He demonstrates the AABB/UP combo, his eyes focused on the screen, and I am shook.
That. Thumb.
The way he flicks it back and forth over the control stick is seriously hot. No wonder he can stay consistent when I say, “Right there, just like that.”
Do other women know about this? I feel like someone should have told me. Here I am, ready to boil over at the discovery, and if someone knew about this and didn’t tell me, I’m going to be pissed at the years of missed opportunities. Holy fuck, he can maintain his rhythm without even looking at it.
Something is happening on the screen. Beeps and clashes and trumpets are coming from the speakers, but I am transfixed. My pulse picks up and my blood thickens in my veins until I can feel it, throbbing, everywhere. Suddenly the clothes which seemed perfectly appropriate for work this morning feel super tight. I unbutton the top two buttons on my collared shirt, needing fresh air and easier access to the girls. I slide closer to him so I can brush up against his arm while it’s all tense and hard. Fuck me, I want this intensity on me. Now.
He gets to the end of a level and fireworks go off. That’s it. It’s a fucking sign.
“Can I have a turn?” I ask.
“Of course,” Dash says and hands me the controller, which I promptly toss on the ground behind me. I straddle his lap while he’s lost and confused and take his hands in mine.
“What? I—”
“What’s that combo again?” I ask. “AA.” I move his hand to my left breast and flick his fingers over my already hard nipple. “BB,” I hiss as I raise his other hand to repeat the motion on my right. “And then a whole lot of ups and downs?” I grin and grind my hips against the rapidly hardening cock between my legs. I knew he’d catch on quick.
I let go of his hands, and pull my shirt wide-open. He takes care of tugging down the lacy cups of my bra so he can better push my buttons. With those skilled fingers, thumbs, and occasionally his lips and tongue, he proceeds to drive me out of my mind by paying attention just to my breasts and nowhere else. I’m not going to lie—it’s hot as fuck, and I’m sure I’ve drenched his jeans where we are still pressed against one another. But I’m greedy. I need more.
“Your thumb,” I gasp.
“This one?” he asks, holding up his right thumb in the universal sign of approval.
“Yes, that one.” I hike my skirt up to my waist and tug my lacy undies to the side. “I need you and your gamer’s thumb to come work some up up down down magic.”
He groans at the sight I’ve presented him, before looking me straight in the eyes.
“Don’t worry, princess. I’ve got this.”
He takes his other hand back to teasing my tits, which I love, and puts his thumb directly where I need him. He circles and flicks and makes me come fast and furious in his lap. I cry out and clutch his head to my chest.How? How can it feel so good every time?
When I return to my body, he is looking at me with that naughty gleam in his eyes.
“How about a challenge round?” He hands me the controller. “Restart the game. If you finish out the level, I’ll let you come. If you don’t, you’ll have to wait.”