Page 56 of Caught A Vibe

“Challenge accepted.”

“Game on.” He chuckles before lying down flat on the couch. “You agreed to that too quickly.”

“What are you doing?” I ask, but he’s already got his hands on the hem of my skirt, lifting it high.

He turns me so he can palm my ass before pulling me back. “Come sit down so you can play.”

“I can sit fine where I was.”

“Penny. Come sit down.” He tucks a pillow under his head and holds out his hands.

“Do you have a death wish?”

“I’m going to count to three.”

Before he gets to two, I am scooting back, my thighs on either side of his chest. “Are you sure?”

He answers without words, gripping my hips and pulling me back where he wants me. I brace my forearms on his thighs, clutching the controller and trying to hover. I can’t put my full weight down on his face, but I am too greedy to turn down a chance at his mouth on my clit.

“Eyes on the screen, or you forfeit,” he says before licking straight down my center.

I blink twice, trying to remember what it is I’m supposed to be doing.

“Start the game,” he reminds me.

I push the buttons on the controller, and he rewards me with another gentle lick. I try to remember what he taught me, but my mind is completely blank with pleasure. His hard cock is outlined by his plaid pajama pants directly beneath me and I am so tempted, but my hands are already full.

These tender kisses are driving me mad. I need more, faster, harder. I’m about to say something to that effect when he slaps my ass and pulls his head back as I jerk forward.

“Are you as frustrated as I am?” he asks.

Verbal communication is beyond me so I moan and nod, hoping he understands.

“Then when I tell you to sit, you better fucking sit. I can’t give you what you need if you don’t do what I ask.”

With another moan, I shift farther back and he hauls me fully onto his face. He licks and sucks at my labia, his tongue strong and firm, and my thighs start to tremble from a different pressure.

I try to keep the game going, but before I know it the sad music is playing. I’ve lost the level. He stops.

I am not a whiner. I take what life throws at me and make the best of it. But when he shifts my hips from his face and stops his rhythm, a sound so pitiful wells up in my throat that I close my eyes so I don’t have to witness my own pathetic weakness.


I turn and look over my shoulder. He staring at my ass and counting to twenty under his breath.

“It’s later.”

He grips my hips and pulls me back down on his mouth, tonguing my clit with strong, sure strokes until I quake so hard I’m positive my soul has left my body. The orgasm races through me, shaking my foundations, and I collapse. I fall forward, my head landing on his thighs, controller bouncing on the ground as it falls from my nerveless fingers. The video game song plays on loop, waiting for someone to start another round. His hard cock is right there. I grin and pull him through the gap in his pajama pants while I have him pinned with my pussy.

Time for a new game.

When he grunts at my teasing licks, I move to take him deep. I take him as far back as my throat will allow, and then push a little farther. I set a steady pace, covering what I can’t take in my mouth with my hand. He’s not the only one who can keep a rhythm going. I slide my other hand beneath his balls and give a gentle tug. His hips jump beneath me, and I hear him press a curse against my inner thigh. I am so sensitive that I jerk and pull off him with a pop of suction.

“You had your fun. Now it’s my turn,” I tease.

He might have said something, but I’m already bobbing my mouth over his cock, faster this time. I’m done with the teasing. I want him to come hard and fast. I want to be the one who makes him lose control. I revel in every filthy word that leaves his mouth, until with a shout, he comes and coats the inside of my mouth.

I lick his twitching cock clean and rise, leaving him spent and disheveled on the couch. He looks so cute and my heart does a weird little leap in my chest. I’m not ready for that. Not at all.