Page 54 of Caught A Vibe


I hold out my hand and she shakes on it, but I don’t let go of her hand. I lean closer and, desire making my voice deepen, I ask, “Last but not least, orgasms?”

“Fifty-fifty?” she suggests.

“I was leaning more eighty-twenty in your favor. When you factor in recovery time and your natural abilities, it’s only fair. I mean, it’s science. If Nic wants data, I can give her data.”

I press a kiss against her collarbone, and Penny’s entire body responds with a shiver, just like yesterday. I am trying to keep this conversation light and playful, but I need her. Now.

I grip her ass and stand up, and she clings to my neck with a gasp. Her ass in my hands feels so damn good, but if I put her down, I can make her feel even better. I set her on the edge of the table and lean until she’s flat on her back and I’ve got her penned in with my arms extended. She tries to pull me down to her, but I resist. There’s one last thing I need to have clear between us.

“Dash, please. I need you.”

I move my palm to her chest, her heart racing beneath my fingers, urging mine to catch the fuck up. “I need you too. If anything ever changes on that front, tell me.”

Penny reaches up and cups my face with her hands. “Same goes for you. If this stops working for whatever reason, please talk to me.”

I nod and lean into her caress, closing my eyes as she runs her fingers through my hair. “I really want this to work, Penny. I’ve never felt this way before, and I’m going to do my best to keep you happy.”

“Should we seal the deal with a few orgasms now that we’ve got a ratio to aim for?” Penny teases, running her hand over the seam of my jeans.

Two can play at that game.I stand up straight and flip her skirt up to her waist. Sitting back down in my chair, I yank her panties down and spread her knees wide, propping her heels on the table. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”


Iopen my email for the eighty-third time and want to cry. There are five more emails waiting for me. I glance at the clock in the corner of my screen. Six thirty p.m. I haven’t eaten since eleven. Haven’t had coffee since two. Can’t remember the last time I peed. I have got to get better about setting boundaries for myself.

Just as soon as I answer these emails, I’ll—

Dash pushes a finger into the back of my screen, lowering it just enough to break my gaze. He’s leaning across the kitchen table with that grin on his face, the one that melts my heart and my panties simultaneously.

“Come play with me,” he says.

I cannot resist that dimple. “Okay, just let me…”

“Is something on fire?” he asks, his voice urgent with concern.

“What? No.”

“Is someone injured?” Hisconcernescalates into parody.


“Is the company going to implode if you ignore that last email for a few hours?” Sarcasm drips from his words, and I cross my arms and glare. He is unfazed. “It’s six thirty on Friday night. You’ve given the company enough. You deserve to rest and play too, just like your customers. Come on.”

I reluctantly slip my hand in his and let him lead me from the kitchen. Not having to “leave the office” to get home has led to very blurred lines between work time and downtime. And he’s right, even if I don’t want to admit it. It’s time to rest and have a little fun. Halfway to the bedroom, Dash takes a hard left and pulls me down on the couch with him.

I don’t understand. There is a perfectly good bed literally fifteen feet away, but if he wants to make out on the couch, I’m game. When he hands me a controller, I realize I have misunderstood.

“A video game.” I state the obvious, as if he might refute it. I wouldn’t have left my emails for this. I have never been a gamer girl. I don’t get it.

“I got a new game, and I’d love your opinion on it.”

“Who’s working on a Friday night now?”

“I’m not getting paid to review it so technically it’s not work, but I can see how you’d come to that conclusion since my job is often fun and entertaining.” He grins at me and gestures to the TV.

I roll my eyes hard at that, but it doesn’t deter him at all. All excitement, he rolls right into an explanation.