I squeeze my hands together and thrust the brightness toward him. This time, it spreads all around him, from head to tail. It sparkles and brightens, moving all over.

Still no response from him.

Mom glances at me desperately, then throws herself on my dad.

He gasps. His eyes open, dart around. He sits up.

“Tiberias!” Mom cries.

My body goes limp with relief. He’s actually alive! I pull myself together and hurry over.

The crowd goes wilder than at any other point before.

“Marra saved you!” Mom squeezes him. “It all worked like you wanted.”

“Wait.” I hesitate. “You wanted me to revive you all along?”

He rubs his chest, where his wound was. “I knew if my servants couldn’t, you’d be able to.”

“And you didn’t think to clue me in on that little detail? Especially when Queen Sirena herself never saved her dad?”

Dad puts a hand on my arm. “I knew you’d find it within yourself.”

I fold my arms. “You’re lucky that’s what happened!”

Merpeople swarm us, and escort us off the field. They take us to my dressing room. The same doctors from before examine us before allowing us to leave.

Dad wraps me in a tight embrace. “How does it feel to have Queen Sirena’s powers?”

“I’ll let you know once I’ve gotten over the shock.”

“Are you ready to rule the oceans yet?”

I give him a double-take. “Seriously?”

He nods. “Of course.”

“Not a chance. I need to get through the academy first. That’s my first goal. I have a lot to catch up on after spending most of my life on land.”

“Your outside perspective will give you an advantage over the rest of us.”

“Time will tell.” I look around for Bash and Halen. They aren’t here.

“Are you ready for the celebration banquet?” Dad asks.

I fall back onto the couch. “Now? All I want to do is sleep for the next week. I just went through all those trials! Killed a two-headed sea dragon, not to mention bringing you back to life. I’m taking a break. Sorry.”

He laughs. “No, I wouldn’t do that to you. Next week would be perfect. I’ve already got half of my staff preparing it.”

“Sounds great.”

We make some more small talk before parting ways. The driver leads me back to the limo and holds open the door for me. I glance around for Bash and Halen, but the crowds on either side of the barricades and security officers show me I’ll never find them here. I’m better off trying to find them once we get back to the academy.

The driver motions for me to get inside. Disappointment washes through me. What an end to this entire event—going back to school alone.

You have me.

I ignore my trident and trudge into the car.