Halen and Bash are sitting inside. I stare in disbelief. Am I imagining the sight?

She squeals, and they both leap up and embrace me.

“I knew you could do it!” Bash gushes.

“You had me so scared!” Halen gasps.

I just cling to them, unable to find words.

The driver closes the door and starts the engine. Bash pulls out a bottle of champagne. “This definitely calls for a celebration! You’re the most amazing mermaid alive.”

“That she is.” Halen grabs the bottle and pops the top. “To Marra!”

Bash pours the drink and hands out the flutes. “To Marra!”

We all drink, not that I really need more after the useless wine. I sip mine, though it doesn’t really affect how I feel. Don’t want to put anyone to sleep if I end up singing with the band—even though all I really want is to sleep as long as possible. I have a feeling I’m going to get a lot of attention once we get back to the academy. However, I’m not sure what the attention will be. Will I get made fun of for fully gaining the legendary queen’s powers? Or will people be mad at me for fighting the beloved king? Seems I can’t do right no matter what I try or whose daughter I am.

Makes me wonder how I’ll ever become a beloved leader of the oceans, like my predecessor. Or maybe I’ll just rule Valora years down the road after my dad has had a long reign. I kind of like that thought more.

The car stops, and the driver lets us out. My breath hitches as I stare at the dark building. In a way, it brings me back to my first day here. I really don’t know what to expect, but at least this time around I have my two closest friends at my side.

Bash puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek. “You coming?”

I lick my lips—a lingering habit from life on land—and take a deep breath. “Yeah. If people hate me, will you—?”

“Hate you?” Halen exclaims. “You’re a celebrity!”

“Hasn’t helped me so far.”

She puts her hands on my arms. “You should’ve heard everyone talking about you when you completed the trials! Right, Bash?”

He nods. “Everyone was rooting for you the whole time, and the celebration after you brought Tiberias back to life was unreal.”

“Deafening.” Halen rubs her ears. “If it was your dad’s plan—it’s still weird calling him that—he succeeded. Everybody else finally sees what we have all along! Just don’t forget who was here for you before you were popular.”

“And who tattooed your name on his chest.” Bash rubs his shirt over the ink.

Halen’s eyes widen. “Seriously?”

“How could I ever forget you two?”

“Come on. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.” She grabs my hand and yanks me away from Bash and toward the building.

“Hey!” Bash catches up and opens the door for us. As soon as he does, it sounds like we’ve entered a party rather than the academy.

Halen leads us in the direction of the noise, and as soon as we reach the dance hall, I freeze in place. It’s decorated with balloons, streamers, and bright lights, and has tons of food along the walls. People turn my way and a wave of congratulations runs through partygoers.

Students I don’t know hug me and talk excitedly over one another. It’s overwhelming, to say the least. Bash pulls me away to one of the food tables, and fills our plates. Even as we eat, more people come up and talk with me about the trials and how they were rooting for me all along. I just smile and thank them.

After we eat, Bash leads me to the dance floor. I lean against him and close my eyes, giving into my fatigue and trying to take in the events of the day. It’s hard to believe the trials and the dad curse are all behind me. No more stomach pains, no more having to sneak around to find out about secret ancient legends. It’s all out in the open now. All fulfilled and ready for the future.

Finally, I can choose my own destiny. I may have Queen Sirena’s hair, powers, and trident, but everything going forward is all up to me. Whether I choose to rule is yet to be seen—and I’m glad for that. It’s far too soon to even think about. The only things I want to worry about are getting through the academy, fully adjusting to life as a mermaid, and spending as much time as possible with Bash and Halen.