Chapter 28

The warmth turns into an excruciating heat. Feels like my skin is burning off my body. Wouldn’t have thought that was possible, but if I could open my eyes, I’m sure that’s what I’d see. I try to cry out, but everything hurts too much. So. Much. Pain.

I think I’m on the ground. Can’t really tell. I know I’m not upright.

Need the pain to stop.

It won’t.

I gasp. Struggle to breathe. To open my eyes. Gain control of myself.

After what feels like an eternity, the agony eases. Doesn’t go away fully, but it isn’t as bad as it was before.

At long last, I finally open my eyes. The sight before drives terror straight to my core.

Mom is sobbing and clings to Dad, who’s limp and lifeless.

I knew this would happen! Why did he have to fight against my siren powers? I race over. “Mom!”

She looks up at me, her eyes red. “He was wrong about them reviving him! They can’t fix his wounds.” She leans against his chest.

“Do something!” I shake one of his servants. “Save him!”

He hangs his head. “We’ve tried everything. Everything!”

“No, you haven’t! Or he’d be alive!”

The servant just shakes his head.

Mom looks back up at me. “Can’t you do something?”

“Like what? You know more magic than I do!”

She wipes her eyes. “I don’t have the Ayers power.”

Can I use that to save his life? To revive him from death?

Mom rises and swims over to me. She holds out my hair. It’s twice as long and bright than before. “You also have Queen Sirena’s powers. His hopes came to life—you’ve come into the full powers. Only you can heal him!”

No pressure.

“Please!” She pleads with her eyes. “He can’t go much longer without breathing!”

I ball my fists. They immediately glow neon green.

That was fast.

“Hurry!” Mom pulls me closer to Dad.

“Everyone out of my way!”

The servants all stare at me with wide eyes, then scamper away.

My hands grow brighter and warmer. The heat is almost too much to bear. Doesn’t feel like my skin’s going to melt away, but close. I focus on the power and imagine throwing it as I thrust my fists toward my dad.

The green energy leaves me and flies through the water, then clinging to his chest. It pulsates and grows brighter. His wounds disappear.

He doesn’t move though.