The first time he’d seen her when she came back from Winter Peaks, he’d been in shock. It was at a Halloween party at Brennan’s Irish Pub, over two years ago.

Instead of going down on his knees to beg her for forgiveness, he had let his ego get the best of him and they’d argued long enough that she was finally done with his stupid arse.

Now that she wasn’t biting his head off and even flirting and having sex with him, he wouldn’t mess things up again. He would take things slow. Make things right.

“I can hear your little brain cells screaming to stop hurting them,” Fianna said with a smile. Cheeky girl.

He tickled her side in revenge and she bumped her head against the headrest when she jumped at his touch.

“Ah, shit. Sorry, Red.”

“If you’re really sorry, you’ll kiss and make it better.”

Oh, she was really pushing it now.


“What? Oh, come on. I know you haven’t exactly been a monk after we broke up. I hear all the time about your conquests,” she sneered.

“That’s different,” he said.

She huffed before she scooted away from him, almost bumping her head again.

“What? It is different between us,” he added.

And there was that awful, distant look again. She stared out of the window on the other side of the bedroom to shut him out once more.

But he wasn’t having any of it. He picked her up, so she straddled him.

“You don’t have to put on a show, Ro. We already had sex. You don’t need to put wool over my eyes by saying—”

He tried really hard to hold the anger from his voice when he said, “I ain’t tellin’ you anythin’ just to get into your pants.”

“Good. So… can we forgo your speech and go over to the part where we screw each other’s brains out before the twins wake up and everything goes back to normal?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Is that how you see this?”

She pulled one shoulder, but when her pretty green eyes found his, he knew she was full of shit.

“I know that we’ll never get back what we had, Ro. We’ve hurt each other too much in the past. When you fucked Miranda, I swore I would never fall for you ever again...”

He was tempted to do a Ross from Friends and yell, “We were on a break!” But he knew him screwing some chick in a failed attempt to forget Fianna after she had broken up with him wasn’t the actual issue here.

“I’m sorry for the shit I’ve pulled after we broke up, Fi. Maybe if we hadn’t grown up together, things would have been different. I wouldn’t have felt the need to prove myself up to the point of being self-destructive. Maybe if we would have met at twenty-nine, you would have trusted me enough to support me in my sport and not break up with me because you wanted me to stop fighting.”

She sputtered before she even gave his words a thought. He reached out to take her hand in his, but she jerked it back and said, “Okay. You’re right. I gave you that ultimatum and caused our final break. I don’t regret it and I still hate that you go into those stupid cages to bash someone’s head in. I’d never show up to your fights to support you.”

Ronan understood. Not so long ago, he’d advised his cousin Keenan’s wife, Ryleigh, to stop fighting underground because of Keenan’s objections. Maybe he needed to have a taste of his own medicine and also stick to sparring at Duncan’s dojo.

He needed to recuperate after the stabbing, anyway. And with everything going on with Silas and the MC, he figured his brother had been right. It wasn’t wise to fight for the club with a shit storm brewing inside the club.

He kissed Fianna’s nose and said, “I need to tell you something.”

She shot him a weary look.

“I’m done with MMA fighting. It’s going to take several months before I’m healed and strong enough to take someone on. I don’t know if I can find the motivation that’s necessary.”

“Oh, my… Do you really mean that?”