“That hard enough for ye?” He slapped her ass, and she screamed into the mattress.

“I’m close, Fi. Are you with me?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” she said on each and every thrust.

When he slapped her pussy from behind, she uttered something intelligible before her walls squeezed his dick. She came on a long wail and he joined her.

His release rippled a feeling of euphoria through his system. He closed his eyes just for a moment and heaved to catch his breath.

He didn’t know if it had been hours, minutes or even seconds, but he welcomed the warmth of the comforter as she pulled it over them. He kissed the top of her hair and pulled her in to his side, letting sleep take over.

* * *

Wakingup in the guest bedroom of his brother’s house with Fianna in his arms was unreal. Everything about last night had been unreal. He glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. Half past seven. Luckily, the twins had only called them once last night and he could bring them back to sleep easily.

He pushed back a strand of fire red hair from Fianna’s face. Her eyelids fluttered open. A second passed before she turned her head. Like she forgot all about the fact she had his dick inside of her not even six hours ago when they went for round three.

He lifted her chin with his knuckle, and she tried to break eye contact, but he wouldn’t let her. “Havin’ regrets?”

She shook her head but didn’t voice what was bothering her, either.

“Wanna talk ‘bout it?”

Her sigh tickled his nose.

“Tell me, Red.”

It was like pulling teeth to get her to talk about her emotions. Always had been. He was sure that if he hadn’t lived next door to her, he wouldn’t know even half of what went down with her or with her family.

Her dad had slithered in and out of their lives for years and ultimately left them for what they later discovered was his other family.

Ronan already wasn’t Joan Ryan’s biggest fan, but when the truth came out that Fianna’s mother knew that she had been the other woman, and that Fianna’s father had an entire other family in Austin without telling her daughters they had five half-siblings, he loathed the woman.

Her actions had hurt Fianna, and he would always remember that. He and Fianna were much alike. They both held grudges. That was probably the whole reason they were still apart.

Fianna, on her turn, had a hard time with Ronan’s father. She knew all about Ronan’s dad being absent most of the time after his mother’s death. His father had left Ronan’s oldest brother, Brennan, in charge of Ronan and their other three brothers while he spent most of his time working at the pub.

It shamed Ronan to think back at all the fucked up things he did while growing up. He had been a teenage boy, angry at his father and the rest of the world. He had the biggest chip ever made on his shoulder. At almost thirty, he looked back at a lot of things in his past he wished he could rectify.

Fianna brought him back from his musings when she said, “I’m sorry. But waking up together… It’s kind of weird, I guess?”

“I don’t know if it’s supposed to be weird between us, but it’s not for me,” he admitted.

“Okay, it’s not weird. But it’s also not how it used to be. It’s different.”

He agreed. It felt good. Like they stood at a crossroads and had the opportunity to change paths and start walking on a new, exciting path.

He gave her a cheeky smile and said, “Different is good.”

She bit her bottom lip and shook her head like she willed him to stop flirting. He wanted to free her lip and kiss it.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead instead. Her wide, green orbs held so much for him to read. He saw how she followed his every move. Like she couldn’t get enough of him.

Her eyes also held the pain he’d caused in the past each time she stared into the distance with a distant look on her face.

When it was good between them, nothing could top that feeling of being in love with your best friend. But hurting the love of his life and simultaneously losing his best friend had pierced his soul. He hadn’t recovered from it. And if he could do it all over, he would.

Maybe this time around, he could indeed take things slow. He had been an idiot in the past and had fucked everything up even more than once.