Her hopeful look said it all. The palm of her hands held his face as she leaned in and kissed his lips. “Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent.”



Fianna woke up once again, engulfed in Ronan’s muscular arms. Taking it slow flew out the window the second they had sex last weekend in the guest room of her sister’s house.

Last night, he had picked her up at the Moore farm and taken her back to his place to stay the night.

She stared right up at the ceiling, not knowing how to react. She was shocked.

The dirtbag had pinned a bed-sized mirror above his bed. She watched herself blink up in surprise. Did she really look like that waking up? She slid one hand from under the covers in an attempt to control the rats’ nest on top of her head.

Ronan softly snored after he rolled upon his back. She didn’t have to look to the side to see him naked from the waist up. She let her eyes wander over his glorious chest via the mirror. As she took in his features, she couldn’t believe he was really hers.

Until that nagging voice in the back of her mind said, “And how many others?” That voice was right. Because she was sure the sick bastard had installed this mirror solely to watch his sluts suck him off.

The thought sickened her. How many others had laid in this bed before her? She knew she shouldn’t go down that road. It would only hurt her and in the end, it didn’t matter.

It took her some time, but when she finally had felt better after almost a year after their break-up; she had started dating again.

She had installed a dating app, hooked-up with several guys before she called it quits again. And with several, she meant twelve guys in three years’ time. She didn’t think that four guys a year was that much. Ronan probably had four in a week. Huh, or even in one night.

Something the Moore family had said in their kitchen played over and over in her head.

They had made her see how quick to judge she was and how easily she would write people off. It was true.

But was she really not going to say anything about this thing above her head? It was right there, antagonizing her as it brought painful fake visions inside her head, like Ronan making love to another woman in this very bed.

She hadn’t been a saint. And she was almost certain that all of her guys she had sex with weren’t exactly monks either. But why did she feel different about Ronan fucking others? She clutched her chest as her heart raced.

Of course. Ronan was different from all of them because she was in love with him. Still in love with him. If she were true to herself, she would have to confess that she never stopped loving the bastard. So what to do about this thing hanging above her head like a Sword of Damocles?

What would her friends do? Or Gwenn? She grinned at the thought of her sister, who grabbed life by the balls and took what she wanted. Gwenn probably would make the best of things by using that damn mirror to her advantage somehow.

Ronan stirred, and her breath caught in her throat. He had to sleep a little longer. He couldn’t wake up now… she still didn’t have a plan. She let go of her breath when he again snorted in a sweet and soft manner. Was he faking it?

She could see through the mirror that his eyes were closed, but his dick was very much awake. The man was playing her. He probably wanted to wake up in peace before she would lay one on him for being such a horndog.

Served him right if she pulled a Gwenn-kind-of-move on him.

Think. What would throw him for a loop and make her feel better about this damned mirror? Would she really? Her eyes narrowed in on his hard length. It kept growing harder and harder. Did he feel her eyes on him?

She grew hot at the thought. She vigilantly slid the covers down with her foot, just for the crown of his dick to peek up from under the white cotton. It leaked a few drops of pre-cum and she licked her lips in anticipation.

She glanced up at the ceiling again and watched how her hand slithered over his abs, down to his erection. Fianna thumbed the slit of the head, and a soft moan escaped his lips. She continued to watch him through the mirror. His eyes remained closed.

Uncertain if he was still asleep, she was thankful for him letting her do her thing. She needed this. This mirror was in need of an exorcism of old ghosts. If he would take control and fuck her now, she would go back in her mind to how things were in this bed before she had come back.

She might have been stroking him, but this was all a more selfish act.

His low moan spurred her on as she leaned across his hip and took him into her mouth.


Her big ape was awake all right. He pulled her hair into a ponytail and when she glanced up, his lustful eyes stared back at her. She took him deeper while she watched him looking up at the ceiling.