She jerked her chin toward the small tent forming under his covers.

He grabbed a hold of his erection, silently thanking the big man upstairs that his little friend still worked. Even with a catheter in.

“Oh, my God. Stop touching yourself.”

“I can’t. It hurts. I need you to take it out, Fi.”

She shook her head. “I can’t do that.”

He squeezed under the head, hoping to bring down his erection. Not wearing any underwear didn’t help his predicament in the least.

“You have to do something. Rub one out; take it in your mouth… Do something.” The words slipped out of him before he knew it.

“I can’t believe you. I hope it’s the drugs talking. Or did that guy knock you on the back of your head before he stabbed you?”

Thinking back about that guy did the trick in bringing down his erection. He shifted on the bed and groaned when his stitches on his stomach pulled.

He needed to talk to Donovan. Or Gwenn. See what they’d found out about that guy.

Fianna watched him closely before she asked, “Can I do anything for you?”

Before he even opened his mouth, she added, “And don’t you dare ask me again to suck you off…”

A clearing of a throat brought their attention over to the open door to his hospital room. Not one—but two doctors, and three Mills men stood in his room, watching their exchange. Brennan, Duncan and Pops Mills were the first of many Mills visitors, he guessed.

“Ah, Doc. No need to check up on our boyo. He’s clearly as healthy as a horse if he’s up for any of that,” Ronan’s grandfather Pops said, his following booming laughter travelling across the hall.

Fianna put her enclosed fist against her forehead and groaned. “Can somebody just shoot me now?”

His oldest brother, Brennan, walked over to his hospital bed and clasped Fianna’s shoulder. He kissed the top of her hair and said, “You know Pops, Fi.”

She sighed and said, “I know. Everything’s been a bit too much, I guess. I-I’ll leave you all to it.”

Ronan curled his fingers around her wrist, pulling her to a stop when she tried to walk away from him.

“Red… please… stay.”

“Fi hasn’t left your side for almost thirty-six hours, Ro. Maybe she can go with Gwenn who’s been sitting on her thumbs all this time in the waiting room. I’m sure Gwenn would gladly take you to get some grub downstairs. Or maybe she can take you home for a quick shower and a change of clothes?”

Fianna arched a brow at Brennan. “That’s one way of putting it. Just come right out and tell me I stink.”

Gwenn stuck her head around the corner of his hospital room and said, “Fi… we can smell you all the way from the waiting room.”

Ronan chuckled and held his side, the pain getting worse by the minute. Maybe he needed something to ease the pain. But he didn’t like the idea of being out of it again.

“Ah, shut it,” Fianna said to her sister.

Fianna leaned in, whispering close to his ear, “I’ll be right back.”

He took her by surprise, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her even closer.

As their noses almost touched he closed the distance and kissed her lips. She gasped but didn’t fight him.

“I know you’ll be back,” he said when he broke the kiss.

She smiled against his lips. “And he’s back to his arrogant self again.”

“I haven’t felt like myself for the past six years. But then again, how could I’ve been myself when the best part of me was missing?”