“After everything we’ve been through… You’re just slipping out of the back door? Just like that? Leaving me with a couple of stupid texts and a hole in my heart the size of Texas?”

He struggled to open his eyes, but her voice drifted away. The hum of a ventilation lulled him back to sleep.

* * *

A hot breathtickled his skin behind his ear. “I’m not letting go, Ronan Mills,” Fianna whispered.

“You need to get better so I can make your life miserable for scaring the shit out of all of us.”

A chuckle from the back of the room must have startled Fianna, as her warmth instantly was taken away from him. He heard soft footsteps and then Fianna’s voice murmur to someone, “Why isn’t he waking up?”

He recognized his brother Duncan’s voice as he said, “Probably because you’re scaring the shit out of him with your threats.”

Fianna scoffed, and Ronan could picture her irritated expression.

“It’s going to be fine, Fi. You heard the doc. She said it could take some time for him to wake up after his operation.”

How long has he been out of it?

He watched Fianna shift her stance, saying over her shoulder, “A full day.” Ah, he must have said that out loud.

Suddenly her eyes went as big as saucers and she raced to his bed. “Ro!”

She dove upon him and Ronan welcomed her by bringing a hefty hand upon her lower back as she leaned over him, softly crying with her head in the crook of his neck. He took his fill of her sweetness. He wasn’t ashamed in the least that it took being stabbed to have her in his arms again.

Duncan joined them at his bedside. “See, Fi? The man’s unbreakable.”

He smiled at his brother and coach. “Hey, man.”

Duncan clasped his shoulder, relief flooding his face. “The waiting room is filled with worried Mills’es. I’ll fetch a doctor and tell them all the good news. That should give you a moment.” Duncan winked before he strode out of the room.

He tried to keep Fianna at his side, but in his condition she was stronger and broke free from his embrace.

“You scared me, Ro.”

He gazed into her red-rimmed emerald eyes. He couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to witness their spark again.

“I’m sorry, Red.”

She slid the chair closer to his bed before she sat down.

“It’s not your fault, Ro. I’m sorry for throwing myself at you like that.” She chuckled and tucked a strand of fire red hair behind her ear.

She must have been really spooked if she acted this shy around him. He couldn’t imagine what she must have been through the past twenty-four hours or so while he was out of it.

He tried to hide his agony, but a cry of pain escaped him.

“What? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Only you can threaten me on my deathbed and make me harder than hell.”

He lifted the covers and found a damn catheter. “Shit.”

Fianna rolled her eyes, but he didn’t miss the blush creeping over her cheeks. Oh, how he’d loved making her blush. It used to be his favorite pastime growing up.

Fuck. He’d loved nothing more than making her cheeks rosy while talking dirty to her. As if she could read his thoughts, she cleared her throat.

“Any minute now, and the doctors are coming into this room to check your vitals. I guess they’ll give your dick an A-plus for standing at attention not even five minutes after waking up past surgery.”