A soft sigh escaped her lips. “That’s just the drugs talking.”

He nipped her bottom lip and said, “I’ve never seen things clearer, Fi.”

She didn’t answer him. She pecked his lips and said, “Later.”



Fianna walked side by side with Gwenn on the sidewalk outside of the hospital. For some reason, she couldn’t persuade her sister to eat hospital food, so they were on their way to the nearest diner.

Ronan’s operation to fix the internal trauma of the stab wound had been a success. No organs had been hit and he would get back on his feet soon. Still, she didn’t like the idea of being away from him for too long.

“That one looks okay?” Gwenn pointed at a small diner with pictures of omelets and other dishes hanging on their window to persuade pedestrians to come into their establishment.

Fianna scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know…”

Gwenn took her by the hand and said, “Ah, come on, sis. We just want to grab a quick bite. I know you’ll want to go back soon.”

Fianna entered the diner behind her sister. She glanced around the greasy interior; not liking that there seemed not much other women around in this joint. She was glad to have Gwenn on her side, since she could handle anyone coming at them.

She righted her shoulders, irritated by herself that she even thought about this while grabbing some lunch. Ronan getting stabbed had obviously rattled her. She plunked down in a red velvet, old Hollywood-type-of-booth and hid her face behind the menu.

“Can we talk for a sec?” Gwenn asked, surprising Fianna.

Her youngest sister wasn’t one to talk about her feelings. Well, perhaps she was—but not with Fianna.

“Are you okay?” Fianna felt ashamed she had spoken little with Gwenn during the past day and a half in the hospital while waiting on Ronan to recover from his surgery. After making sure that her sister was safe and sound, Fianna had kept her focus fully on Ronan.

“I’m fine. I’m just bummed that we didn’t get that asshole and that he’s still out there.”

“Doesn’t that scare you?” Fianna asked.

Gwenn snorted as she glanced down at her stained laminated menu. “He should shit himself, Fi. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m coming for him.”

Fianna’s head pounded. She felt her heartbeat in her throat. “What do you mean?”

Gwenn shrugged. “Like I said. This is far from over. Nobody touches Ro. Over my dead body.”

The waitress chose that moment to interrupt and take their orders. Fianna picked out the first thing that came to mind and Gwenn ordered everything deep-fried—from her chicken to her fries.

They sat in an awkward silence for a moment before the waitress came back with their coffee.

“Are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?” Gwenn asked after taking a sip of her red-hot coffee.

“How can you even drink that already?” Fianna asked.

Gwenn laughed without humor. “Picked up that habit overseas. I’ve learned to down it real quick. Dunno.”

She almost never talked about her experience in the military, so Fianna asked what had been on her mind. “Are you still seeing that psychologist?”

Gwenn chuckled. “Yep. I think he’s goin’ to be mighty pleased I’ll have something exciting to tell him about this week.”

Fianna clanked her coffee cup down, making other patrons look up. “Like what? Like your partner getting stabbed in an alley?”

Gwenn scoffed. “You can be such an idiot sometimes, Fi.”

“Well, that makes two of us, Gwenn…”