"Does this happen every time?" Eladehl asked.
"No," she promised. "Just initially. It's your body stretching, the same way Nari hurts from her training yesterday. With that said, exceptionally vigorous use can always leave a dull awareness. Not quite an ache."
"More like a reminder," I said.
She nodded. "Exactly. And size does make a difference. Just give yourself time to heal in between, and you'll all be fine by midwinter. Or, you can try the other option, which is to ignore it and power through the adjustment. Some say that makes the act less pleasurable, others don't care. Just know that a dull ache is normal. A sharp pain means you need to stop what you're doing and find time to talk to me."
"Which will only be slightly awkward," Talin pointed out.
Amerlee rubbed his shoulder. "I promise it's not. I have a very good working knowledge of all parts of the human anatomy. From penile chafing to torn asses. I'd also prefer that you four aren't left to fumble around and feel anxious." She looked at Wraythe. "Because I know where the clit is."
"So does he," I mumbled, casually scratching at the back of my neck.
"I do too!" Talin said.
Eladehl just leaned back in his chair and smiled deviously. "I'm wondering if I can get a demonstration. Pretty sure I could talk my mentor into helping."
Amerlee simply lifted one of her perfect crimson brows. "You act like I don't do public displays all the time. Sure, Eladehl, we can teach you how to please a woman. Would be a waste of your pretty mouth if you can't even use it right. And when would you like to schedule that session?"
"I was kidding!" he said. "I know how." Then he looked at me. "Don't I?"
"Eh, close enough," I teased.
"Like sucking a little dick," Wraythe told him. "Pretty sure you know how to do that."
"Hey!" Talin snapped. Then he paused. "Nope, never mind. Not getting in a dick-measuring competition with you."
Amerlee just laughed. "And so you know, there's a reason we're allowed to order food to be brought to our rooms. It's so you don't need to suffer through these chairs."
"Thought that was just disciples," I said.
She shook her head. "It's for all Priests of the Body, and by default, their guardians. Your classes will begin assigning homework that will make you not want to be social. The dining hall is prepared for that. You just have to let a Priest of Obligation know, and someone will bring it to your room at the time you set. Most of us tip them for it, because they don't get tithes otherwise." She stood to leave. "And here's Jamik. So finish your breakfast, spend the day being lazy, and have a hot bath. You'll all feel better tomorrow, and my door really is always open."
Wraythe pulled his plate closer. "You guys hear how fast Nari stood up for me? Means I did something right."
"Yeah?" Talin asked. "Gonna let us in the room next time?"
"Sure," Wraythe said. "I just have one request? When it comes to her ass, can, um... Will one of you go first?"
Eladehl just pointed at Talin. "Highly recommended," he said.
I grabbed my fork and dropped my head. "Figured you'd want to be my first at something, Eladehl."
"Nah," he laughed. "Not into virgins. Too clingy - " And then his mouth snapped shut. "Shit. I didn't mean that." But he wouldn't look at anything but the table.
Talin chuckled softly. "I just like to cuddle." And then he reached over to place his hand over Eladehl's. "You're fine. I didn't take it wrong, and I don't care if they know that I clung to you like I couldn't let go. Makes me feel like I'm part of this group."
Wraythe rubbed his shoulder. "You are, Talin. And I'm so down for cuddling. Even with you."
"I'm going to hold you to that," Talin promised, but it felt like something had just fallen into place.
Like we'd found the missing piece.
Chapter 19
Together, the four of us spent the day being lazy. It was oddly nice. We finished up a lot of our homework, laughed about silly things, and it was entirely likely that I fell asleep on Talin's lap. Wraythe followed Amerlee's advice and had both lunch and dinner sent directly to our suite. Then, when I whined a little too much, Eladehl even worked the tension from my neck and shoulders.