"Talin, I'm honestly thrilled." I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Did you know that Ela and I both kissed the same guy first?"


I nodded. "And we both slept with the same man first. The kissing guy and fucking guy were different men, but still something we share. And... It's ok. I mean, we're going to talk about it, and we will giggle about you, but I honestlylikethat part. The sharing part. I think it also makes me feel better about being with others in the future."

"Makes sense," he agreed. "And I might do some of that gossiping with you."

"Really?" I looked up to see him smiling stupidly. It was subtle, but still a rather wistful look. "So last night wentwell?"

"Let's just say that I realized the Path of the Body is not for me. I don't want anyone - except us - involved in my intimacy. I..." That smile flickered over his lips again. "It's nice to not always have to be the strong one."

"He's easy to love," I said, "and hard to be loved by. He wants everyone to think he's so vain because it's easier for him. Let them adore the superficial things, and then they'll never see the vulnerabilities, you know? But when he finally lets you see below the surface..."

"He did," Talin said. "Just a glimpse, but I know that's hard for him. I also know it's not something I'll ever use against him. Nari, being with the three of you? It feels..."

"Right," I finished for him. "Yeah. You work with us. Almost like Zeal knows what he's doing, huh?"

Talin chuckled just as we reached the dining hall. Eladehl had claimed our table and waved the two of us over. Wraythe was nowhere to be seen. Talin guided me to the chair next to Eladehl, pulled it out, and waited for me to scoot back up.

"You sit too," Eladehl said. "Wraythe's orders. He said he's picking for all of us."

Talin just looked at the chairs. "Don't wanna."

Eladehl ducked his head to smother his laugh. "You'll live. Promise I didn't..." He paused, looking behind Talin. "Amerlee," he warned.

I turned just as she spotted us. "Heard you all got beat into submission by my guardians," she teased just loud enough for the words to carry.

I groaned. "Don't remind me. Everything hurts."

"Uh huh." She claimed Wraythe's chair, sitting on it sideways to cross her legs elegantly. Then she lowered her voice. "I also had a god tell me that my kids had too much fun last night. Sore?" And she looked up at Talin.

"Zeal's officially on my shit list," he grumbled.

"Sit on your hip, not your tailbone," she told him. "Cross your legs or ankles, so when you need to move, you have an excuse as you change your legs. Leaning forward onto the table will put most of the weight on your thighs, which helps for post-anal tenderness, but less for vaginal." And she looked at me. "And I'm only guessing here, because he said you needed advice,giggled,and then left again. So you know, hearing a god giggle is a bit unnerving."

"It's Zeal," Talin said as he finally gave in and sat. "I just want to know how long this lasts."

"A day or two after," Amerlee said, pausing to glance up. "Now that's cute."

We all turned to see Wraythe carrying four plates of breakfast back on a tray that was a little too small. His brow was furrowed as he focused on not spilling anything, and all of the plates were heaped full. When he made it to the table, she jumped up to help.

"You hold, I'll pass out," she told him. "They all the same?"

"Extra sausage for Talin and Ela," Wraythe said.

Amerlee almost snorted. "Really?"

"I just got Nari one big one." He grinned. "You staying to eat with us? I'll get you a plate with no sausage."

"One sausage," Amerlee corrected, "but no. Jamik's on his way. He had to explain to Irila why her rings broke last night. One's gone completely, and the other is no longer attached the same way."

"Non-functional?" Talin asked.

Amerlee nodded. "She and Shalsa don't see him, but Zeal says they are close. He hopes this will push them over the edge of their doubts."

"Tell her congratulations," Wraythe said. "And tell me how I make things easier for these three?"

"They'll be fine in a couple of days. The next time, they'll hurt less and heal faster," she promised.