It was that evening when Talin got up to make some tea and found a pair of dildos in the cupboard. Laughing, he turned around, holding one in each hand. Then, he wiggled them, making a production of it.
"Is this a sign that you two have mastered the dick?" he asked.
"No," I groaned. "Deep throating ishard!"
"Works better when it's hard," Eladehl muttered, teasing me.
"No, I'm serious," I told them. "Oryll gave us three days to figure out how to stop choking. And maybe some people can do it easily, but I'm not one of them. See, it's not just about pushing it back in your mouth, but you have to get the thing into your actual esophagus. Bonus points if you can swallow around it."
Talin lifted the dick at Eladehl. "Can you do it?"
"I can shove most of it down," he admitted, "but not for long." He flicked his finger at Talin. "You try. They're up there because I washed them."
"Wraythe," Talin said, tossing him a rubber dick as soon as the guy looked up. "Let's be supportive, hm?"
Wraythe looked at the dildo, turning it in his hand. "Just cram it in your mouth and swallow?"
I tilted my head back and pointed at my throat. "Need a straight line from your open mouth all the way down. And then, yeah. When you hit the back of your mouth, you have to swallow, because that's the only way to get into the throat, and from there, it's all about not gagging."
Wraythe tilted his head back like I had, and then pushed the rubber dick into his mouth. And down. Eladehl sat up. Talin's brows shot into his hairline. My mouth was hanging open, because he did it exactly like I said. He pushed it in, swallowed, and just kept going! I watched his throat stretch around the dildo until the balls were at his lips.
Then he tried to hum a questioning sound, but something went wrong and he leaned forward, yanking the thing out as fast as he could. A cough followed. Wraythe managed to laugh as he lifted the dick between us.
"Yeah. That's not easy," he admitted.
"You..." Talin said, completely awestruck. "Wraythe, you have no gag reflex?"
"I dunno. Why?" The big guy looked confused.
"Because I can't do that," I told him. "I get halfway down and gag on it."
He just shrugged. "Bigger throat?"
Eladehl turned on the couch to look at Talin. "I wanna see you try."
"Gonna get hard?" Talin asked.
Eladehl made a noise that proved it was possible. "No promises. Just wondering how you compare to my best friend. And probably daydreaming."
"Just wait until I'm done to laugh," Talin said. "Because I have a feeling this isn't as easy as Wraythe makes it look."
Then he tried. Unlike Wraythe, Talin gagged. The dick hit the back of his throat, and that was all he had. His hoark rivaled the one I'd made in class, and he yanked it out, shaking his head.
"Nope, I'm a tip guy," he gasped.
"Tip's the only part that matters," Wraythe said. "The rest is just to get the tip in the right place. Nari?" He tossed his dick over to me. "Your turn."
"Ugh," I grumbled. "Really?"
"Homework," Eladehl reminded me. "Now give us guys a show."
On impulse, I pushed myself off the couch and moved to the middle of the room. Eladehl stretched his leg out to hook the coffee table in the middle, but he was still too sore to actually move it like that. Wraythe noticed, so he reached out and pulled it to the side, giving me my own small performance area.
Playing it up, I gracefully - or as much as I could - sank to my knees, and flourished the dildo before me. Talin chuckled, but his eyes stayed locked on me. Wraythe leaned to the side for a better view. Eladehl even scooted to the other end of the couch to watch me from the front.
Then I tilted my head back, closed my eyes, and tried to convince myself this was Wraythe's dick. Before my three men, I worked the head through my lips, and back out. Then a little more, sucking and moistening it at the same time. In truth, I just hoped it looked a lot sexier than I felt, because Ifeltlike a complete idiot.