Letting out a soft laugh, she covered her mouth. “Oh, this is going to be interesting. I wouldn’t want to miss it! My name is Athena, and you, child, can accompany me. I will help escort you there so that you arrive on time.”

I clapped my hands excitedly, prancing right up to the portal’s shimmery surface. “You will? That would be so great! I don’t get out much, and I was so worried I would get lost!”

Athena’s eyes squinted, looking around us. “I’m sure you don’t, and I think today might rectify that, hmm?”

I nodded quickly, sticking my finger to the mirror’s shimmery surface.Squishy

Grabbing my hand and placing it in the crook of her arm, we walked through the portal together. I didn’t even have to think before we immediately came out on the other side.

“You might feel light-headed your first time.” My hand went to my forehead to slow down the spinny feeling.

As my eyes fluttered open, I found that we had arrived in the Underworld! It was significantly darker with a red light source instead of the bright, yellow one that lit the sky in the Celestial Kingdom. The ground was mostly deep-red dirt until a cement pathway came into view. Small deep-green bushes with beautiful red roses outlined the path, covered with tiny fireflies.

“It’s a different kind of pretty.” I leaned down, pressing my finger to the flower. It wasn’t real; it was fake, but it was the realest, fake plant ever.

Athena observed my behavior, clearly amused by me sniffing the fake flowers. “You said that you have never left your home before. Would your mother and father not let you out?”

I shook my head. “Mom said it was too dangerous outside, but I got an invitation in the mail today while they were waiting for the stork in their room. When I asked, Mom screamed, ‘yes, yes!’ I was so excited because I never even dreamed that she would let me go! I got dressed right away, and then I left as soon as I could before she changed her mind.”

“Holy shit,” Athena whispered. She paused in the middle of the path, placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. “What are you, the goddess of, little one?”

“Innocence and Grace,” I hummed, watching these gigantic dogs run around the gated palace. Their bodies were as big as mine!

“The Fates clearly want to watch the realms burn,” Athena chuckled nervously.

“What about after the party? Have you thought about what will happen then?” Athena had my arm held in the crook of her arm again—probably to keep me from stopping every five seconds, but I haven’t been outside this long before, especially in such a different place.

“I don’t know, but I would love to travel. I’ve read all about Earth and Bergarian, but I haven’t read about this place,” I hummed, slightly annoyed. “It’s probably because it’s dark. I used to be afraid of the dark, so I guess Mom was just looking out for me.”

Athena stopped in her tracks. Her tall form leaned over as my head fell back to meet her gaze. “And do you think your mother was doing you a favor by confining you inside the house rather than showing you how to maneuver around the worlds?”

My open mouth closed sharply, and my eyes shifted to the dark path in front of us. The dogs lined up in rows along the path, hiding the pretty grass and flowers on the other side.

Mom had taught me a lot during the time I spent locked in the house. I itched to go outside, and there were days I would cry on the floor like a child because I couldn’t go out. Then I learned that even if I threw a tantrum, I still wouldn’t get my way, so I just complied. I stopped fighting. I stopped asking permission to explore the outside world; instead, I did what Mom asked because it made her happy.

She was happy and I enjoyed seeing it. I really did. But did it only hurt me?

“You are a smart girl, Uriel; I can sense it. Did she teach you anything about the gods?”

I bit my lip, pulling at the now faded lip-gloss that I had applied earlier. “She did.” I rubbed my ballet-toed flat into the textured cement. “She taught me all about the powers the gods had, but she never told me their names.”

Athena exhaled harshly, “And you did not question her?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “It wouldn’t have made a difference. She refused to tell me.”

“I am the Goddess of Wisdom and War,” I gasped loudly.

She was my favorite! She was so smart, and she was a woman! She could go into battle and beat up all sorts of people. My eyes felt like they would fall out of my head and land at my feet from my elation.

“Athena, you’re the Goddess of Wisdom and War?” She nodded, smiling at me. “You were my favorite! You are so smart! You also specialize in practical reasoning and looking at things from every angle, even in everyday speech!”

Athena smiled, her hand petting my head. “That’s right, and I already know that your mind is special. Did you know that?”

I tilted my head to the side, rubbing my itchy nose. “I-I don’t know about that. Mom says I still have a lot to learn before I can ever be on my own.”

Athena chuckled. “You are not a child,” she insisted, crossing her arms. “You are smart, and you are most certainly old enough to walk around all the realms if you desire. In fact, when we return to the Celestial Kingdom, I will demand that you spend some time with me.”

“You will?” I clapped my hands excitedly.