“A nap afterward, then?” Father said hopefully, raising a brow.

“Only if you mean one with sleeping, and not your type of ‘nap.’” Mother playfully tapped his forearm.

“Gross, Mom.” Loki rolled his eyes. “You just pooped out a baby and you are already thinking about—” Father slapped Loki on the back of the head.

“Respect your mother! Now you get to clean out the hellhounds’ bedding after the party.”

Loki groaned, slapping his forehead with his palm. He then leaned against the banister with his elbow, his head resting heavily on his hand. “Are we done yet? Can I have dessert?”

Chapter 4


Itdidn’ttakelongfor me to find the portal at the center of the Celestial Kingdom. Angels walked in and out of it like it was nothing. The large, stone archway was decorated with lightly colored granite. It looked like a mirror that was twenty feet wide!

I stood behind the corner of the bakery Mom likes to visit on Sunday mornings to plan my studies for the week. It was small with only a few tables, and Mom said their carrot cake was delicious. I licked my lips, peeking inside, wanting to taste something sweet and savory.

The itch in my wings made me flutter as I remembered the real reason I was out here:to go to a party!A party that will have a lot offreesnacks!

My wings fluttered again, and I noticed they didn’t look at all like the other angels’ wings. Many female angels displayed large white and ivory wings, while mine held a hint of gold at the tips. I inched forward, only to garner a few stares before they continued along like there wasn’t a care in the world. I let out a sigh.

No one was out to get me. There was no evil out here in the open, not with so many angels around.

I was just ordinary, which was fine with me. The cloak that would normally hide me from prying eyes was heavy and cumbersome.

Having people react when I smiled at them was so much better than them not seeing me at all.

Once I reached the portal, I watched how people walked in and out. They stepped through so effortlessly, and those exiting didn’t even blink.

“Need some help?” a smooth voice spoke from beside me. She wasn’t dressed in the normal robes or wraps made of fine linen that everyone else was wearing. She had on a light-tan pantsuit with silver trimmings, and her hair was cut short in a cute, pixie cut.

“Hello!” My eyes widened. I had never talked to anyone other than my mom and dad, but the excitement of meeting someone new overshadowed my shyness.

“Are you trying to go through the portal?” The glint in her eye and the smirk on her face seemed friendly enough. I nodded, giving her a bright smile.

“I would love to help you.” Her tall form bent over. Her beautiful face was blemish-free, and her movements were so eloquent and fluid. The reading glasses perched atop her head gave her a studious look as she continued to scrutinize me.

“Can you please tell me who your parents are?” Her smile brightened causing mine to follow suit.

“Of course! My parents are Goddess Hera and Archangel Michael.” I beamed proudly at my parents’ titles.

The beautiful woman’s eyes widened slightly, licking her lips while rubbing her pointed chin. “I see,” she chuckled. “I knew it! Those sneaky little bastards,” she whispered to herself.

Oopsie, she said a bad word.

“May I ask your name?” I picked at my fingers, waiting for her reply.

“Of course, dear, if you can tell me yours?”

“I’m Uriel!”

“Good girl. Now let’s get you closer to the portal, and I can show you how to get where you want to go.”

Before I could remind her that she was supposed to tell me her name, she placed me in front of the reflective portal. The mirror waved slightly as bodies moved through, but mostly, it stood still.

“In your mind, visualize your destination… may I ask where you are going?” Her eyebrow raised.

“To the Underworld, there’s a party!”