Athena only nodded her head before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the massive, dark palace. As we neared, my thoughts trailed deeper than I ever thought they could.

Did my mother play with my mind to make me feel inadequate all these years, to believe I couldn’t linger in any of the realms? Such little faith she had in me. She tutored me herself. I graduated from the equivalent of a human high school at the age of eleven. I even did all Mother’s budgeting for our house and her job because I get bored idling at home all day.

Did she think I would make a mistake outside? Away from her? I didn’t typically make mistakes; I always did everything perfectly, thoroughly, and neatly. How was I to know whether I could succeed if I never tried? In the movies I watched, so many children made mistakes regularly, and they figured things out on their own. Now, at the age of twenty-five, I don’t think I’ve ever been given the chance to navigate life on my terms.

My bottom lip stuck out, prompting Athena to squeeze my hand. “Don’t think about it too much right now, Uriel. It will work itself out by the end of the day.” She chuckled again like she was keeping a secret hidden.

The dogs stood up, backs straight with large, sharp teeth protruding from their maws. Some growled while others barked at the angels, gods, and supernaturals passing by. Many flinched away, but when I came close, the aggressive noises stopped. Expecting them to bark, I braced myself against Athena, but they didn’t. Instead, they merely gazed at me, like overgrown puppies.

“Hi, puppies!” I whisper-yelled to them as Athena led me inside.

Large, red men with horns popping out of their heads looked down at me, carrying long, sharp obsidian spears. They were so tall and seemed intimidating as they stared down at me.

“Hi!” I waved as we walked past.

“Who are they?” I whispered to Athena, becoming utterly aware of the large room full of people and species that I had only ever read about.

“Those are demons. They reside here in the Underworld to serve their king, the father of the baby we’re celebrating, Hades.”

My mouth opened to ask another question, but was silenced by the presence of a woman, who I assumed was the baby’s mother, Ember, at the top of a grand staircase. The staircase was gold and silver, and it was adorned with hints of red and black. My hand tightened around Athena’s arm as Ember stood by the intimidating, slightly scary-looking King of the Underworld who was cradling a teeny, tiny baby.

“The baby!” I cooed, a little too loudly. Stares were cast my way. Looking around, I just waved, smiled, and whispered, “Sorry,” before my eyes caught hold of another man standing on the balcony.

He was the same height as Hades with cold eyes; his fists gripped the balcony railing so hard it looked as if it would break. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him as he stood with a stiff back and clenched jaw.

He looked so pretty.


Maybe he needs a friend.

Chapter 5


Icontinuedtosqueezethrough the crowd, practically disregarding Queen Ember standing on the balcony.

The cake on the table looked too delicious to be ignored, and no one even noticed it—except that boy on the balcony.

My wings were tucked in close to my body, but I still bumped someone gently on their shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. My wings shuddered, I was too nervous to pull them inside my body, but the large man in front of me appeared unfazed as he looked down at me with bright, blue, brilliant eyes.

"It's quite alright. Are you okay?"

This man was really muscular, wearing a light tan suit, and had flowing, white hair that graced his shoulders. The white stubble on his face was a shade darker than the hair on his head. His hands steadied my shoulders, looking me in the eye.

"You look familiar." He tilted his head. “Yet, I have never seen you before. I thought I knew all the angels and gods. What is your name?”

I bit my lip, trying to back away.

“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you." His eyes softened, retracting his hands from my shoulders. "You just remind me of someone, someone I used to care about." The white-haired man's shoulders slumped, wrinkling his nicely pressed suit.

"My name is Uriel." I extended my hand for him to shake. I saw the gesture many times before on human shows, and it was used to greet someone new.

He chuckled, engulfing my small hand with his large one. "Nice to meet you, my dear. I'm Zeus."

I smiled back at him, nodding my head. "Great to meet you, but I have to go now. That cake looks delicious!" I turned to leave, but his hand didn't release mine.