“You okay?” he asks, his eyes crinkling as he assesses me.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I stand in the doorway, scared to take a step farther into the room.

“You’ve been different,” he says accusingly.

I want to sass back that it must be my new promised marriage he set up. I know better. No need to poke the bear. “Actually, there is one thing on my mind.”

His eyes go wide and motions for me to take a seat. This room scares me. It feels like the truth serum room, and I’m forced to swallow mine down. He leans back, waiting for me to speak. My heart must show its beats through my chest. Each drum of it vibrates through me.

“I want to be our family lawyer. I want to advise you.”

I expect him to jump up and hug me. Pop a bottle and cheers to me. I expect congratulations. But I get none of those. He sits, studying me in silence. My skin prickles with the pending rejection. My fingers fidget with the soft chair fabric. I want to be anywhere but here.

“What changed your mind?” He breaks the silence.

“I’m tired of being left out. I’m part of this family, and I want to start feeling like it. I want to be able to contribute.”

“This would mean your job becomes a higher priority than the family. Mafia is always number one; family is second.” I nod, swallowing hard before he continues. “You may be asked to stop associating with certain people.”

My heart is about to fly out of my chest. This is the part where he tells me he knows about Theo. He leans forward on his arms, resting on his impressive desk. I sit up straighter, trying to steel my nerves.

“I know you love Lori like a sister, but she’s not the best person to be hanging around with. She can put you at risk. We can’t have our lawyer in jail when we need her.”

My body relaxes, realizing he has no idea about Theo, but then I stiffen all over again. “Are you telling me I can’t be friends with my best friend?” My heart stops entirely.

“I’m just saying you need to be more careful. You have time. It’ll take a while before we announce you taking this new role. We’ll have a party in the new year to celebrate you being sworn into the family.”

Now, my father has the smile I expected. He stands up, going to his liquor cart, takes the cap off the whiskey, and pours him and me each a drink.

He hands me mine, and we clink the crystal together. “To new beginnings.”


An unknown numberflashed across my cell phone. Surveying the outside space by the pool, no one is in earshot. I press the green button, accepting the call and placing it to my ear, but I don’t say a word. Silence meets me on the other end before a low chuckle comes through.

“You know, I just had a lecture about bad influences in my life,” I say to Theo. I can’t get my father’s words out of my mind. Lori and Theo seem to be number one on that list, and they couldn’t be more opposite.

“Can’t say anyone has ever accused me of being a bad influence before.”

My face lights up with his low, gravelly words. I miss Theo, and it has only been a few days since I saw him last. I snuggle into my blanket on my lounge chair, happy to hear his voice. There’s a tall outdoor heater above, helping to keep me warm in the crisp December days.

“That’s because you’re not from my side of the world,” I softly remind him.

“Maybe you should come to the dark side,” he teases, meaning for me to come over to the right side of the law, I’m sure.

“Naw, it’s more fun here.”

“When do I get to see you again?” he asks, all teasing gone from his tone.

“I need a favor first.” I wait for his reaction, nibbling on my bottom lip.

“Yeah? I’m not the type who does favors.”

“Hear me out. I need Lori’s mom to be placed in a rehab center far away from here. She keeps dragging Lori into her messes, and I can’t have that anymore. All you need to do is when you pick her up this weekend for being drunk, prostitution, or whatever it is you get her on, tell her she was picked for this special rehab center grant. Say she’s the perfect candidate and one person a year is awarded this, all costs paid for.”

“There’s no such thing though.”

I look over our covered pool, wishing I could do this without involving Theo. I hate that I’m putting him in this position, but it really is for a good cause. I feel like it would also help take one more person off the street who they have to deal with regularly.