“I have all the details done up. I’ve already paid the facility in full, and they know the story.”

“Isn’t Lori your best friend? Just tell her.” I wish it was as easy as Theo makes it sound. The reason Lori and I have always worked is because she’s never asked me for anything before. Growing up, kids would hear your family is mafia, and they did one of two things. Stayed clear of you, or pretended to be your friend to get those mafia connections.

“I can’t. She won’t accept money from me. But if it comes from you, a trustworthy source, she’ll agree. In fact, she might cry on your shoulder she’s so happy.”

He’s silent.

“Please.” My eyes tear up, and I try to blink them away. I would do anything for Lori. Losing her as a friend would crush me. It would further isolate me from the world.

“If I do this, you can’t ask me to do anything else. The only reason I’m agreeing to this is because it’s an honorable thing you’re doing. She needs the help.”

My smile splits my face. I wish he were here for me to hug. “Thank you, Theo. Seriously, this means so much to me.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s talk about when I get to see that sexy ass of yours next.”

“Soon. I promise.”

“What, you’re going to let me go just like that?” He pretends to be hurt, and I can’t stop myself from giggling. I cover my mouth at the sound of it. I’m not the type of girl who giggles on the phone.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you. You’ll see me soon as Lori tells me her mother is going into rehab.”

“You might be the only girl ever to make me jump through hoops to get a kiss.”

I like that. I lean my head back and close my eyes, wishing I could talk to him all day.

“And you love me for it.” I chuckle before realizing what I said. It’s not like I said I love him or he’s in love with me. But part of me wishes I had said that. I’m very close to falling in love with Theo Fox.

“You’re not here, so you’ll never truly know,” he teases me, making the tension I was feeling dissipate.

A week later,I’m leaving Lori’s after she told me the news about the rehab center. With her mother gone, it will be easier to keep Lori off my father’s radar. I don’t plan on giving her up as a friend, just as I decided I’m not going to give up Theo either.

“Well, hello, Mr. Dark and Dangerous,” I greet Theo, who’s standing by my car. He makes a play, pretending to look behind him to see who I’m talking about. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. But for the record, you didn’t give me any other choice.”

“Don’t you feel happy about doing a good deed? You just saved a lady’s life. Because of you, she’s no longer on the streets.”

“You make it sound a lot better than how I’ve been playing it in my head.”

“Maybe instead of thinking about it, you should be using your mouth and showing me how much you miss me.”

He groans. “Tell me more,” he whispers against my ear.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and touching myself,” I whisper back with a smirk.

He leans back, looking over my face. “Let’s go before I change my mind and take you to my place.”

“Where are we going?”

“On a date away from here, so I can hold you, kiss you, and touch you whenever I want.”

I can’t hold my smile in. He leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. How is it that Theo is almost perfect in every way but the one way that counts? I push away the knowledge that he’s a cop, a person who’s on the opposite side of me and my family. When I look at him, I get warm fuzzies. My body naturally misses him and needs his presence. I know I’m screwed. My heart has already become attached.

“Stop overanalyzing us,” he says to me. I need to work on my poker face. “Today, it’s just the two of us, and nothing else matters.” He kisses the back of my hand.

We drive out of the city until the buildings are no longer seen on the horizon. Stores and homes slowly become less frequent as we leave the suburbs and fields begin to become more continual.

In the distance, I can see a Ferris wheel. “Are you taking me to a fair?” I ask.