He steps toward me, and I suck in a breath. His features are hard; I can’t help but flinch when he reaches me. I wait for him to scream in my face, aim his gun at me, or hit me.

“Don’t you dare flinch from me, Aria.” His voice is strong and low. “That’s fucking insulting.” He leans forward, filling the space with his commanding presence. “I will never hesitate again if I think you are in danger. But know this—when I fall, you fall. The difference between us is I think a lot of people deserve to die like Frank. You have a sweeter, softer heart than me. I won’t lose sleep over this, but you will.”

He straightens himself. “Call someone to get you, because we’re calling this in.”

“My car is here.” The look he gives me shows there’s no room to argue with him.

Theo walks to the door with his hand on my lower back. “You’re shaking, you can’t drive like this. I’ll take your car and return it.” With his hand on my back, I’m able to register that my body won’t stop trembling. My legs feel like jelly as the muscles spasm uncontrollably, causing me to shake.

I glance at his partner to realize he’s the same guy who was at the poker table when I helped Luna. Picking up my phone, I call my youngest sister. I’d have to explain the least amount to her.

Theo calls for an ambulance and more backup before he walks me outside. The urge to reach out and touch him hammers into me, but I can’t. I hate that he looks like he’s about to lose his shit because of me. I pushed too far this time. At least I don’t have to worry about Katrina getting her drugs from Frank anymore.

Gia pulls up, and I step into Theo, wanting to kiss him, but he steps away. My heart hurts from him pulling away.

“Will I see you again?” I get it if he says no. I just made him jeopardize his job. It would be for the best. But instead of relief flooding through me, I’m anxious about missing him.

“Trust me, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He nods toward my sister’s car, and I get in.

“Mr. Moody there is eyeing you like he wants to take a bite.” Gia giggles, pulling onto the road.

“Have you ever thought about not marrying Alfonso?”

“No.” She has zero hesitation. “He’s my best friend and I love him. I can’t fathom a life without him.” She glances at me before focusing back on the road. “Is this about Marco?”

I shrug.

“What Alfonso and I have is more than duty, Aria.”

“I wish I felt as certain about my future as you. You seem to have it all figured out.”

“I lucked out; that’s all.” She smiles at me, taking her eyes off the road for a second before focusing on driving.

“Do you mind not mentioning this to anyone?”

“Only if you tell me why you were there.”

“I think Katrina has a drug problem. I wanted to have all of my facts before I did any accusing. I wanted to have a plan on how to help her before I said anything.”

“That’s very lawyerish of you.”

I shrug, leaning my head on the window.

“Here’s the thing, Aria. I’m happy to omit the truth, but I won’t lie. I’m living my best life right now, and have all the freedom I want. I love my fiancé. I’m happy, and I don’t want to mess it up.”

I understand what she’s saying. I would never want her to have to face the wrath of our father unnecessarily. “I can deal with that. Thank you for picking me up.”

“Call me anytime.”

“It goes both ways.”

She smiles at me as we slow down toward our home. “I know. You always have my back.”

I’m on pins and needles as we get out. I always assume my father is five steps ahead of me. He may not come right out and tell me. He’ll wait until it’s advantageous to him. Similar to when he found out I helped with the poker game. I keep waiting.

I have to pass his office on my way to my bedroom. When I walk by, his door is wide open. I was hoping I could skirt around and hide until this guilt I’m harboring goes away.

“Aria,” he calls my name just as I pass. I stop, squeezing my eyes and letting out a breath. I focus on calming my racing heart and keeping my expression neutral. Opening my eyes, I square my shoulders before stepping into his office.