Page 67 of Making Time for Us

“Whoa, man. Are you okay?” Joe asks.

I’m closing up my mobile computer in a rush as I say, “These motherfuckers are at it again. I’m certain it’s not a false alarm. I know that store because I talked to the owners last week about keeping their security tight. They told me they would be closed for a week on vacation before doing a week of renovations. I have to go.”

“Alright man, be safe.” Joe keys up his radio to talk to dispatch. “4730 to dispatch. Can you start a backup unit to the Wicker location?”

“4730, 10-4. 4704 Can you start to 2468 Wicker Street?”

I’m out to my truck by the time I hear my backup respond to dispatch that he’ll be en route as well. I’m going to catch these assholes. Enough is enough.

I clip my computer back onto its stand and I start the engine and throw it into gear.I can’t let them get away with this destruction again.

I’m a couple of feet from the shop when I see my backup coming from the opposite direction. I key up my radio. “4704, can you get around back to the alley and secure that side? I’ll let you know when I’m at the front.”

“10-4.”I see him turn into the alley.

A few more seconds and I have eyes on the front door. It’s smashed to pieces and the sign that used to hang above the door that details their “grand reopening” in two weeks has been ripped down and is laying on the sidewalk. It’s dark inside but I take a parking spot at the business next door.

Thankfully, it’s lunchtime now and most of the surrounding shops are closed for the hour so there aren’t many cars in front of the shops.

“4703 to dispatch, the front door has been broken into and it’s unknown if the subjects are inside. Close this channel and send additional backup.”

“10-4. Be advised this channel is closed for 4703 and 4704. Any available units respond to 2468 Wicker.”

“4730 to dispatch, show me en route as well.”I hear Joe say.

The emergency tone starts to sound on my car radio — steady beeps every three seconds to alert the department that this channel is only for traffic relating to this incident.

“Smith, do you have any activity in the back?”I say as I step out of my truck and draw my gun.

“No, man. The door is secured, no signs of forced entry or exit either.”I hear him say into my earpiece as I walk to the front as quietly as I can.

When I’ve got an unobstructed view from a neighboring business’s entryway that keeps me covered, I whisper,“The front door is busted but it’s dark inside so I’m going to approach and see if they’re still inside.”

As I release my hand from my radio button, I hear another steadybeepin my earpiece.

“Ok, I’ll hold here in case they try to run out the back.”

“I’m approaching the front,”I say.


I grip the cold hard metal of my gun with my index finger resting on the side, ready in case I need it. My ears are searching for any sounds outside of the crunching of the broken glass beneath my feet. My eyes are trying to focus through the dark as I make my way inside.


My eyes adjust to the reduced light, and I see the store has been ransacked. Clothes, shoes, purses, and hats are all over the floor, and there are several glass jewelry cases that have been smashed out.


I see light coming from an office in the back of the store and I slowly approach. The sounds of rustling paper fill the quiet space. I step over a fallen clothing rack and see the back of him.


“Police! Show me your hands!” I yell at his back.

He turns around in a flash and I see the fear and evil in his eyes. My blood runs cold. He brings his hand up and staring back at me is the barrel of a pistol. Without a second thought, my finger travels to the trigger of my gun, but it’s too late…
