Page 68 of Making Time for Us

I feel the sound of thebang,but I don’t hear it. Instead, I only hear the adrenaline whooshing around my ears. There’s a pressure on my chest that is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I stumble backward from the blow and trip over the disregarded wrack.


The shooting pain in my ankle registers right before my head hits the ground. Darkness fills my eyes as my head throbs and my family flashes before my eyes.


“Drop your weapon!!”I hear the faint screams of Smith over the sirens in the distance.




Chapter 25

Silent Tears Fall


TheMondayfollowingmynaughty dance routine for Marco — the most erotic thing I’ve ever done — I have lunch with Jess at a local sandwich shop. After we both arrive, she rushes me back to the table farthest away from other customers.

“Spill the beans!” she urges.

“Geez, give me a minute to sit down, will you?” I laugh as I put my bag on the chair.

“No time for that. Tell me everything!”

I look around to make sure no one is in earshot before I continue. “Okay, since you are my best friend in the whole world and the only one I would ever feel comfortable admitting this to… it was super embarrassing at first, but thentotally hot. Likewhoa.” I fan myself with my hand as she bites her bottom lip and nods her head victoriously. “Once I started moving, he looked at me like he wanted to eat me alive. I swear I’ve never seen him react to me that way, even when we were first dating and sex was totally new. That gave me the shot of confidence I needed to make me feel like a bad bitch.”

“Youarea bad bitch! I told you that would work!” She claps her hands in front of her and I giggle.

“You were right. Thank you for teaching me the routine.”

Eyes shining, she says, “Any time, bestie. Were you able to do the moves easily enough?”

“Well…” I bite my lip and she raises an eyebrow. “The ones I got to do.”

“What does that even mean?” She laughs.

“I did the hands up and down my body with the boobie squeeze — he liked that one a lot — and the walk around him while touching him, the bend over slowly in front of him, and then I somehow ended up in his lap basically just riding him.” I giggle at how unplanned but amazing that turned out. “He just lost all self-control and picked me up like a caveman and threw me on the bed.”

“Attaboy, Marco!” We both giggle in her pause. “Have you found thatzippy energyyou were looking for again?” She wiggles her eyebrows up and down while waiting for more dirt.

“I think so. I feel like we’ve been prioritizing our marriage again and I’m happy with where we are. Not even so much about the sex, even though that’s beenamazing.” I nod with wide eyes, and she laughs. “I’ve been able to really connect with the woman side of me and it’s filling my cup up, you know? I’ve been a happier mom and they’ve even noticed that we’ve been more playful. This whole time I thought it would take energy away from them when it’s really made everyone happier. I feel like the possibilities are endless. Does that make any sense?”

“Absolutely, my friend. Ellie got her groove back.” She does a little dance in her seat.

“I guess so…” I laugh again at her theatrics. “I just love him so damn much, Jess.”

The last few days have been great between the crazy hot sex with Marco, a low-key weekend with the kids while he was at work, and then catching up with Jess yesterday. Unfortunately, I am crazy irritable today,thank you PMS, so I’m trying to keep my mouth shut and let it all ride. I hate to blame hormones, but those bitches really do make me feel like someone else a few days every month. I have to remind myself they’re not real and the feelings will pass.

Walking in the door after running errands, my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket, and I look down at the screen. It’s Joe calling.

My heart falls into my stomach as panic shoots through my body. Joenevercalls me.

“Hello?” I answer in a choked voice.