Page 66 of Making Time for Us

His natural spiciness reaches my nose as I hear his labored breathing. My stomach flutters at how much more I want him, even though he’s already deep inside of me.

He grips the flesh on my hips and begins to drive me harder as I sink my body lower and arch my back, needing to be closer. When my hips won’t allow me enough to take him deep enough, I still our movement. He looks on as I bring my feet flat on the bed in a squatted position before sinking back down on him. His throaty grunt runs through me as I find my rhythm again.

“So good, baby,”he breathes as I grip his chest to allow for better control.

One of his hands moves from my hip to my clit and he begins to circle at a tempo that matches mine, his gaze boring into me. The heat of his thumb circling me and the creak of our bed frame as I seek my release on top of him causes my ecstasy to shatter from the center of my body, and I scream out.

My release is followed by the familiar pulsation of his euphoria as he slows to savor the sensation.

Panting and flushed, I lean onto his chest. He kisses my slick forehead and holds me as we both find our way back to the ground.

“I love you so much,” he breathes above me.

“I love you more.”

Chapter 24



“4703:Canyourespondto a motor vehicle accident on the corner of Ash and Main? Two parties are involved. They both declined ambulance or tow truck.”

“10-4. Show me en route.”

I’m parked in a safe spot trying to finish this week’s reports, so I save my progress and throw my truck into gear to head in the direction of the accident. Any other day, I’d be irritated that they didn’t just exchange information and go on with their merry lives, but not today.

No, nothing is going to get me down after the last week with my wife and kids. I especially won’t let anyone take away my “Friday” happiness either. Nope, my weekend is in sight, and tonight it’s my turn to surprise Ellie with something special.

These last few weeks have been crazy. It shook me to my core when Ellie approached me about not being satisfied with our love life or the time we spent together. Not going to lie, it brought up some insecurities I’ve always had about never being good enough. They all just rose to the surface after years of shoving them down. Ellie has never said or done anything to make me feel that way, but it rattled me to realize it went a little deeper than my relationship with her.

I think we’re finally in a really good place though. She’s satisfied with our relationship now, and I’m happy with where we are too.

We have an intimate date scheduled tonight, but I know she’s really close to starting her period and may not be up for it. She’s been snippy and irritable these last couple of days, so I planned on offering her a full-body rub instead. I even picked up a lemongrass-scented massage oil I think she’ll like. I have no expectation of sex, just want her to feel like she’s made me feel lately: cherished.

I arrive at the scene and both sides start yakking at me at once, but they all sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher. I politely school them on what to do when you’re in a motor vehicle accident with two drivable cars and no injuries before I head back to the station. I really need to get all my reports done before my shift ends so I don’t have to stay over. I head to the empty briefing room with my laptop for some quiet.

After a few glorious moments of silence, I hear, “Marky Marco!” and look up to see Joe walking in.

“What do you want? I’m busy.” I try to sound irritated, but my mood is so light, I fail and he laughs.

“Just checking on my favorite subordinate.” He offers me an exaggerated smile. “How’s the day going? Got any more kinky dates planned this weekend? Or maybe a newroutineyou two are going to try?” He winks at me.

“Your wife has a big mouth, you know that?” I chuckle and roll my eyes. “But she’s a great teacher, so I won’t hold it against her.” I shake my head and smile. “If you must know, I planned something special for this weekend but I’m sure as shit not going to tell you.”

His belly laughs just add to my great mood. “No, that’s awesome, man. I’m really glad you two have found that spark again.”

“Yeah, me too. You know, honestly, I didn’t realize anything was missing, but now I never want to go back. I feel more connected to her and happier.”

“That’s great, dude. When —”

“4703 start to a burglary alarm at 2468 Wicker Street, For All Women’s Boutique. Activation sight is the front door. The alarm company says that the business is closed for renovations but no one should be on sight today.”

Immediately my heart sinks to my stomach.Not this shit again.

“4703, show me en route.”

I jump out of my seat in a rush as I feel my pulse pick up, not registering I knocked the chair behind me when I stood.