“Good. Don’t let him get it. Use it if you need to,” she told me and I nodded.

“Tatiana, this is nuts,” Keira fussed, but I gave her a look as I removed my gun from my waist, putting it into her hands.

“I love you, Ki,” I assured her. “But you’re going to let me do this.”

“Of course I am. But I’m really mad at you for making me.”

I grinned. “Thanks for understanding.”

Alicia told me the code to the locks that would be keeping Kev in place and then opened the door for me, as she’d planned before I threw a wrench in her intentions. As I moved into the room it lit up, giving me the courtesy of unimpeded vision—one that hadn’t been offered to Kev.

And there he was, crouched in the corner, cowering like a scared animal in wrinkled scrubs, his hair and beard an overgrown mess.

When he looked up and saw that it was me, his whole expression changed. It was almost ludicrous to me that I’d ever thought he was handsome, with the way his face managed to contort into such an ugly, vicious look.

“What do you want?” he asked moving to his knees and then up on his feet. Clearly whatever Onyx did to him had healed pretty well.

“Who were you working for outside your corporate job?” I asked, getting right to my point.

I wanted answers more than I wanted revenge, and with the kind of revenge I wanted, he would likely be in no shape to give answers afterwards.

“Why would I tell you anything? You got me locked up in here and you’ve got the nerve to ask me questions as if all this shit isn’t your fault,” he snapped, moving in my direction. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“I don’tthinkI’m anybody,” I answered. “I’m Tatiana fucking Tate, second in command of thePredators—a height to which you can only everaspire.”

He scoffed. “You say that like I wasn’t balls deep in you every other night. You’re not that hard to get close to, bitch.”

“You saythatas if you were ever more than a sentient dildo and a mouth for me to use.” I laughed. “Don’t make yourself more important than you ever were, are, or ever will be. Save the dramatics. Do you think you’ll make mecry? Do you think I’m going to ask youwhy you did it? I know why you did it.” I chuckled. “Because you weren’t given enough attention as a child, so you carried that overwhelming need for validation from the cool kids who never looked your way in high school into adulthood. You thought you were close to everything you’ve ever dreamed, but it slipped right through your fingertips because you’re corny, and nobody likes you for you, becauseyouare an irritant. So you decided to carry out every underdeveloped, egotistical, weak link of a man’s version of the fantasy he jacked off to as a teenager. You tried to destroy what you couldn’t control. You raped a woman you could never trulyhave. So I don’t want to know why—I already knowwhy. All I want from you is an answer to a very simple question; who were you working for before this happened? Anything else, I truly don’t care to hear.”

“You still don’t understand do you?” he said, moving even closer, as much as he could since I hadn’t yet freed him from the chain around his ankle. “You think you’re so big and bad, but you’re protected by themenaround you. The only reason I’m even in here is because you sent your attack dog after me. ’Cause you couldn’t come after me yourself.” He smirked. “Not after what I did to you. Your face healed up nice though. You front like you’re the big bad boss, but the reality is, if I wasn’t in these chains, I’d show you who was really on top.Again.”

“Hold that thought,” I said, returning his smirk before I walked over to the panel on the wall and keyed in the code Alicia had given me, making the shackles around his wrist and ankles spring open and fall to the ground.

I took my time turning to face him, only to discover he’d actually backed up.

Just like I thought.

“Now tell me again what you were going to do if you were out of your chains?”

“I’m not stupid,” he said, backing even further away from me. “You acting like you don’t have an army just waiting on the other side of that door.”

“Nope,” I told him. “They’ve been told not to interfere. Because this shit right here?” I gestured. “This is just between me and you.”

Alicia was right.

Kev was a man, which meant he had a physiological advantage over any woman, from birth.

But Kev was not athletic or fast.

And most of all, he was simply more of a bitch thanI’dever be, by virtue of biology or any other determining factor.

I was alert, and I was ready for his ass, and unlike him, I made sure he saw me coming.

Even though all available signs should have told him I was about to hit him in his face, he still seemed surprised by my jab straight to his nose and I didn’t let that go to waste.

Over and over and over, my fist didn’t stop moving until he’d managed to regain his composure long enough to give me a good shove away from him.

And even then, I quickly caught myself, getting steady on my feet and in a fighting stance, ready for him to come at me.