
And yet, since that night Kev decided not to keep his dick to himself, it was like I was building a collection of fragmented stories about myself.

My rapist unconfronted.

My father’s death unavenged.

My lover unaccounted for.

My childhood unraveled.

It was all too much.

But of all of that… there was one thing I could do something aboutright now.

“Let’s do it,” I said, and after a moment, instead of arguing, Alicia nodded.


The journey to get there was… surreal.

To say the least.

It was a whirlwind of long hallways and biometric locks, until we were in front of a door I was certain was nowhere as simple as it seemed.

“Is he… tied up or…?” I asked, turning to Alicia as she walked up to a lock that could only be opened with her face.

“He’s contained.”

“Un-contain him,” I said and she and Keira were immediately all over me denying the request.

But it wasn’t a request.

“Tati, I don’t think you understand.” Alicia explained. “He hasn’t been just rotting away in this room. His injuries were treated, and he’s not malnourished, or weak, none of that; our standard for any prisoner, so they can be interrogated. Not to mention—this room is soundproof. If you start screaming for help, nobody will be able to hear you.”

“Stop trying to scare me. There’s cameras in there, right?” I asked. “So if something went wrong, you would see it.”

Alicia blew out a sigh, but nodded, confirming that I was correct.

“I’ll go in there with you,” Keira offered, but I shook my head.

“I don’t want anybody to go in there with me and I don’t need any additional protection. When that motherfucker attacked me, he caught me at the end of a long day, half drunk, and off guard. I want his chains off, so that if I go in there and beat his ass, there’s no qualifiers on it. We had equal footing.”

Keira scoffed. “Tati, you’re being ridiculous.”

“Maybe so.” I shrugged, not bothering to deny the accusation. “But guess what?” I asked, looking between the two of them. “You’re going to let me.”

They gave each other another one of those looks and I could tell Keira wasn’t going for it—didn’twantto go for it—but really she didn’t have a choice.

I was the boss.

And Alicia had said it herself, after what he’d done to me, Kev’s ass was mine.

If I said I wanted to be in there alone with him, that was what was going to happen.

“Okay. Keep some distance between you and him,” Alicia said, obviously landing on a decision to not keep me from what I clearly wanted. “I know you’ve been training, and I know you’re strong. I know you’re angry. I know he deserves anything you decide to do to him. But he’s still a man, sexism be damned. And whether or not you want to hear it, you are emotional. Don’t let your frustration, your emotions get the best of you. You got a knife or something?” she asked and I nodded.

“I always have a blade.”